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- #convocation2022 (10)
- #EDIAatUM (7)
- #EECareerFair (1)
- #EmpoweringExcellence (2)
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- #HumanResourceManagement (1)
- #IndigenousCommunity (2)
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- #MediaLiteracy (5)
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- #OnlineFromAnywhere (8)
- #ProfessionalDevelopment (6)
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- #UMAlumni (49)
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- #umanitoba2024 (15)
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- #UMMicroCertificate (1)
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- A quiet place (1)
- A2J (3)
- ABEP (3)
- Aboriginal Business Education Partners (21)
- academic (24)
- academic advising (33)
- academic advisor (5)
- academic advisors (10)
- Academic Calendar (3)
- academic integrity (43)
- academic integrity month (8)
- Academic Jobs (388)
- academic learning center (1)
- academic learning centre (33)
- academics (9)
- Access Program (20)
- access to justice (16)
- Access to Justice in French (20)
- accessibility (75)
- accessibility tool (2)
- accident (1)
- accreditation (5)
- active living (19)
- Active Living Centre (77)
- active transportation (27)
- Activities (1)
- addictions (1)
- ADHD (1)
- Administration (71)
- administration and governance (35)
- Admissions (1)
- Advance Open Ed (3)
- Advanced X-Ray Imaging Satellite (1)
- Advancing Reconciliation and Promoting Indigenous Achievement (66)
- advising (5)
- Advisory council of Elders (1)
- aerospace (3)
- aeses (3)
- Africa (1)
- AG e-news (93)
- Age Friendly University (7)
- ageism (1)
- aging (4)
- aging population (1)
- agribusiness and agricultural economics (26)
- agricultural sector (1)
- Agriculture in the Classroom Manitoba (1)
- Agrometeorology (2)
- agronomist (1)
- Ai in the classroom (1)
- Ai Weiwei (1)
- AIDS/HIV (24)
- Air Canada (2)
- Air pollution (2)
- Air travel (3)
- AirSAFE Research Centre (2)
- Akinwumi Ogunranti (2)
- algae (1)
- all student email (8)
- allergy (1)
- Allison Fenske (7)
- Alternative Reading Week (11)
- Alumni (1780)
- Alumni Abroad (8)
- Alumni and Community (76)
- alumni answers (19)
- alumni association (14)
- Alumni at Home (2)
- Alumni at Home and Abroad (11)
- alumni matching campaign (2)
- Alumni POV (7)
- alumni relations (5)
- Alumni Stories (56)
- Amanda Fowler-Woods (1)
- Amar Khoday (11)
- Amazon (1)
- amazon books (1)
- American politics (1)
- Amplifying Health as a Human Right (30)
- ancient grains (1)
- Ancillary Services (11)
- Andrea Doyle (8)
- Andrew Phung (2)
- anesthesiology (1)
- animal science (42)
- anniversary awards (3)
- announcement (1)
- Antarctic Research (3)
- anthropology (33)
- anti-racism (36)
- Anti-Union (1)
- antisemitism (1)
- anxiety (2)
- Anxiety and Trauma Laboratory (1)
- Application deadlines (1)
- applied health sciences (7)
- Applied Research (1)
- Apply (1)
- appointment (1)
- Apprenticeship programs (1)
- archaeology (12)
- architecture (59)
- architecture competition (5)
- Architecture Policy (2)
- archival studies (4)
- Archives (94)
- Archives & Special Collections (2)
- Archives and Special Collections (27)
- arctic (16)
- arctic centre for earth observation science (8)
- arctic ice research (2)
- Arctic Research (95)
- arctic science (16)
- arctic science day (2)
- Arctic Science Partnership (7)
- Arctic sea ice (6)
- ArcticNet (4)
- Arramat Project (1)
- Art (65)
- Art Braid (3)
- Art History (1)
- Arthur Mauro (2)
- Arthur V. Mauro Institute for Peace and Justice (41)
- Artificial Intelligence (15)
- Arts (155)
- ARTS 1110 (1)
- Arts and culture (69)
- asian heritage month (7)
- asian studies (4)
- ASKAP (2)
- Asper (33)
- Asper – EDI (10)
- Asper Alumni (144)
- Asper BComm (20)
- asper career development centre (5)
- Asper Case Competitions (19)
- Asper Chair of International Business and Trade Law (3)
- Asper Co-op (21)
- Asper COVID-19 (12)
- Asper Experiential Education (66)
- asper gift guide (4)
- Asper Indigenous (40)
- Asper MBA (123)
- Asper MFin (12)
- Asper MSc (7)
- Asper MSCM (10)
- Asper PhD (7)
- Asper Research (101)
- Asper School of Business (878)
- Asper Students (105)
- Asper Sustainability (12)
- Asper WEKH (5)
- Asper Wrapped 2024 (10)
- asphalt (1)
- Assembly of First Nations (2)
- assessments (1)
- asthma (1)
- asthma and the environment (1)
- astrophysics (2)
- athletic therapy centre (7)
- atmospheric science (2)
- audit services (3)
- augmented reality (1)
- aurora (18)
- Aurora Borealis (1)
- autism (1)
- avian influenza (1)
- award (2)
- Awards (179)
- awards of excellence (7)
- B.C po (1)
- B.C. port strike (3)
- BA Integrated Studies (1)
- Bachelor of health sciences (2)
- bachelor of social work (1)
- Bachman Turner Overdrive (1)
- bacteria (1)
- bail reform (1)
- Baltimore bridge collapse (1)
- Bannatyne (3)
- Bannatyne campus (34)
- Banner 9 (6)
- Banting Fellowship (3)
- bargaining (69)
- Barney Sneiderman (1)
- Barry Prentice (2)
- Basketball (3)
- Bass Pro Shops (1)
- Bastarache (1)
- batteries (1)
- BC port strike (1)
- BComm Spotlight (6)
- bear safety (2)
- bees (3)
- beluga whales (2)
- benefits (6)
- best of 2014 (10)
- better (1)
- Better Together (4)
- BHM2023 Faculty of Science (3)
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (2)
- Bill C-40 (1)
- binding arbitration (1)
- Biochemistry (22)
- bioeconomy (1)
- bioexm (5)
- bioinformatics (1)
- Biological Sciences (232)
- biology (20)
- Biomedical Engineering (14)
- Biomedical Youth Program (5)
- Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund (1)
- biosystems engineering (71)
- Birding (2)
- birth control (1)
- bison alumni (2)
- Bisons (457)
- bisons at the centre (1)
- Bisons basketball (1)
- Bisons Football (8)
- bisons sports (12)
- Black History Month (34)
- Black Hole Theatre (29)
- Black Law Students’ Association (1)
- black lives matter (2)
- blended learning (1)
- blood pressure (1)
- blueprint (1)
- BMC Geriatrics (1)
- Board of Governors (51)
- Board of Governors 2024 (2)
- body lice (1)
- Boeing (1)
- BOG (1)
- BOG 2024 (1)
- bona fide academic requirements (2)
- Book club (1)
- books (43)
- bookstore (1)
- bootcamp (1)
- bow echo storm (1)
- Brain bee (1)
- brain health (1)
- brand (3)
- brand together (1)
- Brandon Trask (22)
- bread (1)
- Breast milk (3)
- Breastfeeding (1)
- Brenda Gunn (10)
- Brian Mulroney (1)
- brick-and-mortar (1)
- bridges (1)
- Bruce Curran (18)
- Bruce D. Campbell Farm & Food Discovery Centre (18)
- Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre (3)
- Bryan Schwartz (18)
- Budget (23)
- budget Day (2)
- building innovation (1)
- Buller Greenhouse (3)
- Bulletin archives (6)
- Bursaries (12)
- Bursary (2)
- business (7)
- business administration (1)
- Business and Human Rights (2)
- Business Law Group (4)
- Butch Nepon (1)
- butterflies (1)
- byelection (1)
- ca.Y2K (1)
- Cabelas (1)
- CAF (1)
- Café Scientifique (12)
- Call for Awards (326)
- Cameron Harvey (2)
- camping (1)
- campus (7)
- Campus and Community (99)
- Campus Beautification Day (20)
- campus children’s centre (1)
- campus community (1566)
- Campus Events (40)
- Campus Life (4)
- campus mental health (18)
- Campus Ministry (2)
- campus news (3)
- campus planning (8)
- campus safety (2)
- campus stories (4)
- Canada (2)
- Canada Biomedical Research Fund (2)
- Canada Post (3)
- Canada post strike (1)
- Canada Research Chair (45)
- Canada Summer Games (20)
- Canada Summer Games 2017 (20)
- Canada West (1)
- Canada’s Electric Vehicle Availability Standard (1)
- Canada-wide warrant (1)
- Canada’s Department of National Defence (1)
- Canadian airlines (1)
- Canadian Armed Forces (1)
- Canadian Bar Association (1)
- Canadian economy (2)
- Canadian Forum for Business and Human Rights (1)
- Canadian healthcare (3)
- Canadian Journal of Human Rights (1)
- Canadian Medical Association (2)
- Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (4)
- Canadian military (2)
- canadian museum for human rights (8)
- Canadian museum of (1)
- Canadian National Negotiation Competition (1)
- Canadian politics (13)
- Canadian Prime Minister (2)
- Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (1)
- Canadian universities (1)
- cancer (2)
- cancer research (2)
- CancerCare (2)
- Candid (24)
- cannabis (1)
- canola (12)
- canola oil extraction (1)
- canola plastics (1)
- CanU (6)
- Carberry crash (1)
- carbohydrase enzymes (1)
- carbon tax (1)
- cardiology (1)
- career (3)
- career advice (1)
- Career Compass (43)
- career development (13)
- Career Development Centre (4)
- career fair (21)
- Career Mentor (2)
- career month (53)
- career planning (1)
- Career Services (197)
- careers (3)
- caretaking (2)
- Casinos (1)
- CATL (53)
- cattle (1)
- Cattle farming (1)
- CCELC (2)
- ccgs amundsen (2)
- CDPC (1)
- celebrating student excellence (4)
- celebration (2)
- Central Africa (1)
- Centre for Applied Ethics (1)
- Centre for Creative Writing and Oral Culture (31)
- centre for defence and security studies (20)
- centre for earth observation science (49)
- Centre for Engineering Professional Practice and Engineering Education (2)
- Centre for Global Public Health (10)
- Centre for Healthcare Innovation (8)
- centre for Higher Education Research and Development (5)
- Centre for Human Rights Research (76)
- Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics (78)
- centre for social science research and policy (5)
- Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (97)
- Centre for Ukrainian Canadian Studies (1)
- Centre of Human Rights (2)
- Centre on Aging (38)
- CEOS (94)
- Ceramics (9)
- ceremony (1)
- chancellor (7)
- Chandra X-ray Observatory (1)
- ChatGPT (4)
- Chemistry (144)
- CHERD (2)
- Cheryl Dika (1)
- Chicago Blackhawks (1)
- chickpeas (2)
- Chief Justice Richard J. Scott (1)
- child care (6)
- child-care centre (2)
- childcare (1)
- children (16)
- children’s hospital research institute of Manitoba (3)
- chocolate prices (1)
- cholestoral (1)
- Christina Keeper (1)
- christmas (2)
- Christopher Adams (2)
- chronic disease (2)
- chronic inflammatory disease (1)
- CHRR (9)
- Churchill (7)
- churchill marine observatory (8)
- cigarette (1)
- Cinema (1)
- cipher (1)
- citation (1)
- City of Winnipeg (6)
- City Planning (23)
- civil engineering (51)
- CJHR (1)
- Class of 2022 (2)
- classics (17)
- classism (1)
- Classroom (1)
- classroom technology (10)
- Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment (68)
- clean drinking water (1)
- Clerkships (2)
- climate (28)
- climate action (4)
- climate action plan (9)
- climate change (90)
- climate change mitigation (1)
- Clinical Learning (24)
- clinical psychology (22)
- clinical trial (2)
- CMO (2)
- cmp25 (25)
- CN Railway (4)
- co (1)
- Co-curricular record (2)
- co-op (9)
- Co-Op Program (9)
- co-operative education (23)
- Coach Brian Dobie (4)
- coaching (1)
- cockroaches (1)
- code cracking (2)
- coffee (1)
- coffee with a co-worker (27)
- coffee with a coworker (4)
- cohort program (1)
- cold weather (1)
- Collections (2)
- collective bargaining (2)
- college of dentistry (10)
- college of nursing (186)
- college of pharmacy (180)
- College of Rehab Sciences (14)
- college of rehabilitation sciences (138)
- columns (17)
- commerce students association (6)
- communication skills (1)
- community (62)
- community engaged learning (18)
- community engagement (540)
- Community Health Sciences (106)
- community outreach (12)
- community service-learning (10)
- Community Stories (155)
- commuter challenge (6)
- Competition (7)
- Computer Science (146)
- Concentration in French (2)
- Concert hall (1)
- conference (10)
- Congo (1)
- Conservatives (1)
- construction (56)
- construction delays (1)
- Contest (42)
- contest rules (10)
- continuing education (7)
- continuing professional development (5)
- Convocation (365)
- convocation2020 (3)
- convocation2021 (26)
- convocation2023 (11)
- convocation2024 (33)
- cooperative education (17)
- coping (2)
- copyright (4)
- copyright office (24)
- cost of (1)
- cost-of-living (2)
- costumer loyalty (1)
- courses (5)
- Court of King’s Bench (1)
- covid (1)
- COVID-19 (351)
- COVID-19 outreach and research (223)
- Crime rates (3)
- Criminal Code (1)
- criminal law (3)
- criminal record check (1)
- criminology (2)
- critical minerals (1)
- crop cover (1)
- crop disease (1)
- crop research (2)
- CRTC (1)
- Crunch Fitness (1)
- CSAI (2)
- CUPE (1)
- curriculum (4)
- curriculum teaching and learning (4)
- cyber security (7)
- Cybersecurity (10)
- DAA (3)
- DAA 2024 (3)
- DAAD (1)
- dairy research (2)
- Danali (1)
- dancing (1)
- Daniel Diamond (5)
- Darcy MacPherson (14)
- Data (3)
- Data Science (12)
- data visualization (1)
- David Gerhard (1)
- David Ireland (14)
- David Sowemimo Law Entrance Scholarship (1)
- Daycare (6)
- Dayna Steinfeld (1)
- deadlines (6)
- dean of law (7)
- Debra Beach Ducharme (1)
- debt (1)
- debunking residential school denialism (3)
- decolonizing (4)
- Deep fake (1)
- deferred exam (1)
- dementia (1)
- Dengue fever (1)
- denialism (1)
- Dental care plan (1)
- dental hygiene (13)
- dentistry (85)
- department of anthropology (5)
- department of architecture (3)
- department of biosystems engineering (3)
- Department of city planning (1)
- Department of clinical health psychology (2)
- department of computer science (5)
- department of economics (5)
- Department of Educational Administration (1)
- Department of English (17)
- department of english theatre film and media (35)
- Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media (85)
- department of entomology (6)
- department of family medicine (2)
- Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences (5)
- department of French Spanish and Italian (2)
- department of history (14)
- Department of human anatomy and cell science (1)
- department of Indigenous studies (36)
- department of landscape architecture (8)
- department of medical microbiology and infectious diseases (14)
- Department of National Defence (1)
- department of Native studies (11)
- department of physical therapy (2)
- department of political studies (15)
- Department of Psychiatry (2)
- department of psychology (15)
- Department of Sociology and Criminology (92)
- Depression (2)
- Desautels Centre for Private Enterprise and the Law (12)
- Desautels Concert Hall (6)
- Desautels Faculty of Music (332)
- Desautels Faculty of Music News (74)
- Desautels Faculty of music research (2)
- Design (4)
- Design Competition (10)
- design education (3)
- Design Residency (1)
- design-build (2)
- Desiree Scott (1)
- development (1)
- Dg. Bradley Klus (1)
- Dg. Devi Atukorallaya (1)
- diabetes (3)
- Diane Cepanec (2)
- Diets (1)
- Digital Collections (3)
- digital scholarship (1)
- Digital steering (6)
- Digital strategy (8)
- dining services (5)
- disability studies (15)
- Disaster management (1)
- Discover your future (1)
- disease of poverty (1)
- disruption and innovation (1)
- Dissertation (1)
- Distance Delivery BSW (1)
- distinguished alumni (13)
- distinguished alumni awards (101)
- distinguished science alumni (6)
- Distinguished Visiting Lecture Series (1)
- Distinguished Visitors Lecture Series (3)
- Distributed Medical Education (1)
- diversity (14)
- DNA (2)
- DNA databank (1)
- Doctor shortage (1)
- documentaries (1)
- domestic product (1)
- Donald Miller (1)
- Donn Short (20)
- donor (1)
- donor relations (107)
- Dr. Aaron Marshall (6)
- Dr. Abdel Soussi Gounni (1)
- Dr. Abdelilah Soussi Gounni (1)
- Dr. Abdullah Al Maruf (1)
- Dr. Adele Perry (1)
- Dr. Adrian Gooi (2)
- Dr. Adrian West (2)
- Dr. Ahmed Ashraf (1)
- Dr. Ahmed Shalaby (1)
- Dr. Akinwumi Ogunrani (1)
- Dr. Alan Bernstein (3)
- Dr. Alan Katz (13)
- Dr. Alex Singer (3)
- Dr. Alexa Hryniuk (1)
- Dr. Alexander Singer (1)
- Dr. Alfredo Camacho (1)
- Dr. Alicia Berard (1)
- Dr. Alicia Nijdam-Jones (1)
- Dr. Allan Becker (5)
- Dr. Allan Garland (1)
- Dr. Allan Ronald (5)
- Dr. Allison Dart (3)
- Dr. Alwyn Gomez (1)
- Dr. Alyson Mahar (2)
- Dr. Amanda Condon (1)
- Dr. Amanda Fowler-Woods (4)
- Dr. Amani Hamad (1)
- Dr. Amine Choukou (14)
- Dr. Amir Ravandi (1)
- Dr. Ana Hanlon-Dearman (2)
- Dr. Ana Ludke (1)
- Dr. Anand Kumar (1)
- Dr. Anastasia Kelekis-Cholakis (2)
- Dr. Andrew Halayko (6)
- Dr. Andrew Hatala (3)
- Dr. Anna Chudyk (5)
- Dr. Annette Schultz (4)
- Dr. Anuprita Kanitkar (1)
- Dr. Arnold Naimark (3)
- Dr. Asher Mendelson (2)
- Dr. Ashley Stewart-Tufescu (1)
- Dr. Asmaa Haimeur (1)
- Dr. Athan Zovoilis (1)
- Dr. Aviva Goldberg (1)
- Dr. Ayesha Saleem (2)
- Dr. Ayush Kumar (2)
- Dr. Barbara Shay (4)
- Dr. Barbara Triggs-Raine (2)
- Dr. Barry Lavallee (1)
- Dr. Benedict Albensi (1)
- Dr. Benjamin Lindsey (2)
- Dr. Benson Yip (1)
- Dr. Bernard Langer (3)
- Dr. Bhupendrasinh Chauhan (1)
- Dr. Biniam Kidane (3)
- Dr. BM Ramesh (1)
- Dr. Bob Schroth (1)
- Dr. Brad Doble (4)
- Dr. Brandy Wicklow (3)
- Dr. Brent Fedirchuk (1)
- Dr. Brett Houston (1)
- Dr. Brian Mark (1)
- Dr. Brian Postl (4)
- Dr. Britt Drögemöller (5)
- Dr. Bruce Chown (3)
- Dr. Bruce Martin (2)
- Dr. Cara Brown (5)
- Dr. Caroline Piotrowski (1)
- Dr. Catherine Cook (4)
- Dr. Chad Lawley (1)
- Dr. Charles Bernstein (7)
- Dr. Charles H. Hollenberg (1)
- Dr. Charles Hollenberg (2)
- Dr. Chau Pham (1)
- Dr. Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg (3)
- Dr. Chi Liao (1)
- Dr. Chris Anderson (2)
- Dr. Christian Petropolis (1)
- Dr. Christina Kim (1)
- Dr. Christina Raimondi (1)
- Dr. Christina West (4)
- Dr. Christine Ateah (2)
- Dr. Christine Doucette (1)
- Dr. Christine Kelly (2)
- Dr. Christine Leong (4)
- Dr. Christine Zhang (2)
- Dr. Christopher Anderson (3)
- Dr. Christopher Pascoe (2)
- Dr. Christy Pylypjuk (1)
- Dr. Chrysi Stavropoulou (2)
- Dr. Chuang Deng (1)
- Dr. Clara Bohm (1)
- Dr. Claudio Rigatto (2)
- Dr. Colin Dawes (1)
- Dr. Colin Gilmore (2)
- Dr. Courtney Leary (1)
- Dr. Curt McCartney (1)
- Dr. Dake Qi (1)
- Dr. Dan Chateau (3)
- Dr. Dan Nagel (1)
- Dr. Dana Turcotte (6)
- Dr. Darlene Pierce (1)
- Dr. David Barber (1)
- Dr. David Collister (3)
- Dr. David Perrin (1)
- Dr. Davinder Jassal (2)
- Dr. Deanna Santer (4)
- Dr. Deborah McPhail (1)
- Dr. Debrah Wirtzfeld (1)
- Dr. Deepak Louis (1)
- Dr. Delia Douglas (3)
- Dr. Denice Bay (1)
- Dr. Denise Koh (1)
- Dr. Depeng Jiang (1)
- Dr. Devi Atukorallaya (3)
- Dr. Diana McMillan (2)
- Dr. Diana Sanchez-Ramirez (5)
- Dr. Diane Hiebert-Murphy (1)
- Dr. Donald Miller (2)
- Dr. Donna Martin (6)
- Dr. Duncan G. Sinclair (2)
- Dr. Duncan Sinclair (1)
- Dr. Dylan MacKay (3)
- Dr. Ed Giesbrecht (4)
- Dr. Edwin Kroeger (1)
- Dr. Eftekhar Eftekharpour (1)
- Dr. Elissa Abrams (1)
- Dr. Elizabeth Hammond (1)
- Dr. Elizabeth Wall-Wieler (4)
- Dr. Em Pijl (2)
- Dr. Emily Rimmer (1)
- Dr. Eric Bohm (1)
- Dr. Eric Bow (2)
- Dr. Erin Knight (1)
- Dr. Estelle Simons (2)
- Dr. Etienne-Marie Lassi (1)
- Dr. Evelyn Forget (8)
- Dr. Ewan Goligher (2)
- Dr. Faouzi Bellili (1)
- Dr. Forough Khadem (2)
- Dr. Frank Plummer (3)
- Dr. Frank Schweizer (1)
- Dr. Frederick Zeiler (2)
- Dr. Galen Wright (6)
- Dr. Garry Shen (1)
- Dr. Gary Kobinger (1)
- Dr. Gayle Halas (5)
- Dr. Gayle Restall (2)
- Dr. Genevieve Thompson (5)
- Dr. Geoff Tranmer (1)
- Dr. Geoffrey Tranmer (2)
- Dr. George Zhanel (2)
- Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry (150)
- Dr. Gerd Prehna (1)
- Dr. Gilbert Kirouac (1)
- Dr. Gina Rempel (1)
- Dr. Grant Pierce (3)
- Dr. Gregory Hammond (1)
- Dr. Hagar Labouta (7)
- Dr. Hani El-Gabalawy (5)
- Dr. Harmeet Chawla (1)
- Dr. Hartmut Hollaender (1)
- Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov (9)
- Dr. Hassan Marzban (1)
- Dr. Heather Adam (1)
- Dr. Heather Armstrong (5)
- Dr. Heather Dean (1)
- Dr. Helen Glass (1)
- Dr. Henry Friesen (3)
- Dr. Hope Anderson (1)
- Dr. Ian Dixon (2)
- Dr. Ian Jeffrey (1)
- Dr. Igor Pesun (4)
- Dr. Imran Ratanshi (1)
- Dr. Inna Rabinovich-Nikitin (2)
- Dr. Jack Hildes (1)
- Dr. Jacquie Ripat (10)
- Dr. Jai Jai Shankar (1)
- Dr. Jai Shankar (1)
- Dr. James Blanchard (17)
- Dr. James Bolton (1)
- Dr. James Davie (1)
- Dr. James Hogg (3)
- Dr. James Nagy (5)
- Dr. Jamie Falk (5)
- Dr. Jamie Penner (1)
- Dr. Jamison Falk (1)
- Dr. Jan Stewart (1)
- Dr. Janice Ristock (1)
- Dr. Janilyn Arsenio (5)
- Dr. Jason Kindrachuk (9)
- dr. jason peeler (2)
- Dr. Jean Gray (1)
- Dr. Jean-Eric Ghia (2)
- Dr. Jeff Hyman (2)
- Dr. Jeff Sisler (1)
- Dr. Jen Gunter (2)
- Dr. Jennifer Hensel (1)
- Dr. Jennifer Protudjer (2)
- Dr. Jennifer Yamamoto (1)
- Dr. Jeremy Chopek (1)
- Dr. Jessica Hartley (1)
- Dr. Ji Hyun Ko (4)
- Dr. Jillian Stobart (9)
- Dr. Jiming Kong (1)
- Dr. Jitender Sareen (2)
- Dr. Jiuyong Xie (1)
- Dr. Jo Swartz (1)
- Dr. Jo-Ann Sawatzky (1)
- Dr. Jo-Anne Sawatzky (1)
- Dr. Joan Durrant (1)
- Dr. Joanne Embree (1)
- Dr. Joanne Parsons (5)
- Dr. Jody Haigh (1)
- Dr. Joel Pearson (1)
- Dr. Johann de Vries (2)
- Dr. John Ataguba (1)
- Dr. John Dirks (3)
- Dr. John M. Bowman (1)
- Dr. John McCrae (3)
- Dr. John Perry (3)
- Dr. Jon McGavock (1)
- Dr. Jonathan McGavock (2)
- Dr. Josée Lavoie (5)
- Dr. Joseph Delaney (2)
- Dr. Joseph Gordon (3)
- Dr. Joshua Kimani (2)
- Dr. Joss Reimer (2)
- Dr. Jude Uzonna (8)
- Dr. Judith G. Hall (3)
- Dr. Judith Hall (1)
- Dr. Judith Scanlan (1)
- Dr. Julia Uhanova (1)
- Dr. Julie Ho (1)
- Dr. Julie Lajoie (2)
- Dr. Juliette Mammei (1)
- Dr. Julio Montaner (3)
- Dr. Jun-Feng Wang (1)
- Dr. Justin March (1)
- Dr. Kaarina Kowalec (8)
- Dr. Kangmin Duan (4)
- Dr. Kateryn Rochon (1)
- Dr. Katherine Kearns (1)
- Dr. Kathryn Sibley (8)
- Dr. Kathy Yerex (1)
- Dr. Katinka Stecina (2)
- Dr. Keevin Bernstein (2)
- Dr. Keith Fowke (15)
- Dr. Kellie Thiessen (5)
- Dr. Kelly MacDonald (4)
- Dr. Kelly Russell (1)
- Dr. Kendra Rieger (2)
- Dr. Kent HayGlass (3)
- Dr. Kevin Coombs (6)
- Dr. Kim Mitchell (1)
- Dr. Kirk McManus (1)
- Dr. Kjell Anderson (1)
- Dr. Krista Hardy (1)
- Dr. Kristen Reynolds (2)
- Dr. Kristine Cowley (4)
- Dr. Kristy Wittmeier (5)
- Dr. Kyle Bobiwash (1)
- Dr. Kyle Martin (1)
- Dr. Laila Aboulatta (1)
- Dr. Lalitha Raman-Wilms (1)
- Dr. Larry Krotz (1)
- Dr. Laura Bowler (1)
- Dr. Laura Chisick (1)
- Dr. Laura Funk (1)
- Dr. Laura MacDonald (2)
- Dr. Laura Targownik (1)
- Dr. Lauren Kelly (5)
- Dr. Lauren MacKenzie (1)
- Dr. Lavern Vercaigne (4)
- Dr. Leigh McClarty (1)
- Dr. Lesley Degner (1)
- Dr. Lesley Graff (2)
- Dr. Leslie E. Roos (2)
- Dr. Leslie Roos (3)
- Dr. Liam O’Neil (5)
- Dr. Lily Lim (1)
- Dr. Linda Diffey (1)
- Dr. Linda Larcombe (1)
- Dr. Lindsay Larios (1)
- Dr. Lindsay Nicolle (1)
- Dr. Lisa Avery (3)
- Dr. Lisa Engel (3)
- Dr. Lisa Lix (8)
- Dr. Lisa Mendez (3)
- Dr. Lisa Monkman (2)
- Dr. Lorrie Kirshenbaum (16)
- Dr. Lucy Marzban (1)
- Dr. Lyle McKinnon (11)
- Dr. Lynda Balneaves (3)
- Dr. Lyonel Israels (1)
- Dr. Maggie Morris (1)
- Dr. Malcolm Xing (1)
- Dr. Mandy Archibald (5)
- Dr. Mandy Buss (4)
- Dr. Marc Gurwith (2)
- Dr. Marcel Van Woensel (1)
- Dr. Marcelo Urquia (9)
- Dr. Marcia Anderson (24)
- Dr. Marcus Ng (1)
- Dr. Margaret Hart (1)
- Dr. Maria Bronson (1)
- Dr. Mariette Chartier (1)
- Dr. Mario Pinto (1)
- Dr. Marissa Becker (15)
- Dr. Mark Nachtigal (3)
- Dr. Marni Brownell (5)
- Dr. Marnie Kramer (2)
- Dr. Marshall Pitz (1)
- Dr. Marti Ford (1)
- Dr. Martin Entz (1)
- Dr. Maryanne Crockett (3)
- Dr. Meaghan Jones (4)
- Dr. Megan Azad (2)
- Dr. Megan Delisle (1)
- Dr. Meghan Azad (15)
- Dr. Mel Swartz (1)
- Dr. Melanie Morris (2)
- Dr. Melinda Fowler-Woods (2)
- Dr. Mercedes Garcia Holguera (1)
- Dr. Merril Pauls (2)
- Dr. Michael Loudon (1)
- Dr. Michael Moffatt (2)
- Dr. Michael Mowat (2)
- Dr. Michael West (2)
- Dr. Michelle Driedger (2)
- Dr. Michelle Lobchuk (2)
- Dr. Mike Jackson (1)
- Dr. Mike Namaka (1)
- Dr. Mina Nouredanesh (1)
- Dr. Mindel Cherniack Sheps (1)
- Dr. Ming-Ka Chan (2)
- Dr. Miyoung Suh (1)
- Dr. Mojgan Rastegar (3)
- Dr. Moni Fricke (6)
- Dr. Mostafa Fayek (1)
- Dr. Nancy Porhownik (1)
- Dr. Naranjan Dhalla (1)
- Dr. Natalie Mota (1)
- Dr. Nathan Nickel (13)
- Dr. Navdeep Tangri (1)
- Dr. Nazanin Vafaei (1)
- Dr. Neeloffer Mookherjee (5)
- Dr. Neil Bruce (1)
- Dr. Netha Dyck (5)
- Dr. Nick Anthonisen (1)
- Dr. Nicole Harder (2)
- Dr. Nishita Singh (2)
- Dr. Noralou Roos (8)
- Dr. Oleg Krokhin (1)
- Dr. Omu Anzala (1)
- Dr. Orly Linovski (1)
- Dr. Pamela Hebbard (1)
- Dr. Pamela Perkins (1)
- Dr. Patricia Birk (2)
- Dr. Patricia Martens (2)
- Dr. Patrick Lawler (2)
- Dr. Patty Thille (8)
- Dr. Paul Fernyhough (2)
- Dr. Paul Komenda (2)
- Dr. Paul Marcogliese (1)
- Dr. Peter Cattini (1)
- Dr. Peter Nickerson (5)
- Dr. Peter Pelka (1)
- Dr. Peter Thompson (1)
- Dr. Philip Berger (1)
- Dr. Philippe Lagacé-Wiens (1)
- Dr. Pingzhao Hu (1)
- Dr. Pooneh Maghoul (1)
- Dr. Pourang Irani (1)
- Dr. Prashen Chelikani (7)
- Dr. Preetha Krishnan (1)
- Dr. Puyan Mojabi (1)
- Dr. Qiuyan Yuan (1)
- Dr. Rae Spiwak (1)
- Dr. Raj Bhullar (1)
- Dr. Rakesh Arora (1)
- Dr. Rasit Eskicioglu (1)
- Dr. Rebecca Davis (1)
- Dr. Reg Urbanowski (7)
- Dr. Renée Douville (1)
- Dr. Renee El-Gabalawy (4)
- Dr. Richard Keijzer (5)
- Dr. Richard Warrington (2)
- Dr. Rizqa Sulaiman-Baradien (1)
- Dr. Rob Currie (1)
- Dr. Rob Lorway (3)
- Dr. Robert Beattie (2)
- Dr. Robert Lorway (6)
- Dr. Robert Lotocki (2)
- Dr. Robert Schroth (4)
- Dr. Robert Tate (1)
- Dr. Roberta Woodgate (21)
- Dr. Rodrigo Franca (3)
- Dr. Ross Feldman (1)
- Dr. Ruey-Chyi Su (1)
- Dr. Ruth Ann Marrie (8)
- Dr. Ruth Barclay (1)
- Dr. Ruth Nduati (1)
- Dr. Ryan Zarychanski (22)
- Dr. Sabine Hombach-Klonisch (1)
- Dr. Sabine Kuss (2)
- Dr. Sabine Mai (5)
- Dr. Sachin Katyal (2)
- Dr. Salah Mahmud (1)
- Dr. Sam Kung (1)
- Dr. Sandeep Arora (1)
- Dr. Sandra Webber (3)
- Dr. Sanjiv Dhingra (4)
- Dr. Sara Goulet (1)
- Dr. Sara Israels (3)
- Dr. Sara Kreindler (1)
- Dr. Sari Hannila (3)
- Dr. Selena Papetti (1)
- Dr. Shawn Bugden (1)
- Dr. Shay-Lee Bolton (2)
- Dr. Sheila Peters (1)
- Dr. Sherif Eltonsy (11)
- Dr. Sheryl Zelenitsky (5)
- Dr. Shiva Halli (1)
- Dr. Shuangbo Liu (1)
- Dr. Shweta Mital (1)
- Dr. Shyamala Dakshinamurti (1)
- Dr. Silvia Alessi-Severini (4)
- Dr. Soheila Karimi (2)
- Dr. Sonia Udod (2)
- Dr. Souradet Shaw (7)
- Dr. Spencer Gibson (1)
- Dr. Stephen Kiama (1)
- Dr. Stephen Moses (5)
- Dr. Steve Whyard (1)
- Dr. Suresh Mishra (2)
- Dr. Susan Logue (2)
- Dr. Susan McClement (3)
- Dr. Tabrez Siddiqui (3)
- Dr. Tamara McColl (1)
- Dr. Tamra Werbowetski-Ogilvie (1)
- Dr. Tanveer Sharif (4)
- Dr. Tara Horrill (5)
- Dr. Tara Stewart (1)
- Dr. Ted Lakowski (3)
- Dr. Teresa Zelinski (2)
- Dr. Terry Klassen (10)
- Dr. Thomas Hack (1)
- Dr. Thomas Klonisch (1)
- Dr. Thomas Murooka (7)
- Dr. Thomas Mutter (2)
- Dr. Thomas Nesmith (1)
- Dr. Ties Boerma (6)
- Dr. Tiina Kauppinen (2)
- Dr. Tina Chen (1)
- Dr. Tom Hack (5)
- Dr. Tony Szturm (3)
- Dr. Tracie Afifi (15)
- Dr. Trina Arnold (1)
- Dr. Tse Luk (2)
- Dr. Vanessa Poliquin (2)
- Dr. Vanessa Van Bewer (3)
- Dr. Vernon Dolinsky (2)
- Dr. Versha Banerji (2)
- Dr. Vidyanand Anaparti (2)
- Dr. Wanda Phillips-Beck (1)
- Dr. William Leslie (1)
- Dr. William Mutch (1)
- Dr. Yoav Keynan (1)
- Dr. Yvonne Myal (1)
- Dr. Zulma Rueda (7)
- Dr. Bárbara Porto (1)
- Drake (1)
- Dream Big (5)
- DREAM study (1)
- Dreamspike Research Lab (1)
- drone (2)
- drug-resistant (1)
- Ducks Unlimited Canada (1)
- DUI (1)
- Duncan G. Sinclair (1)
- E. coli (2)
- Early education (1)
- Early nutrition (1)
- Earth and Resources (1)
- Earth Day (7)
- Earth Day 2020 (2)
- Earth Materials and Archaeometry Center (1)
- Earth Sciences (26)
- Economic Development (1)
- economics (97)
- EDI (16)
- EDIA certificate (1)
- Edmonton Alberta (1)
- Edmonton health care (1)
- Edmonton Oilers (1)
- education (26)
- Education Alumni Association (3)
- educational administration (3)
- efap (2)
- Einarson Collection (1)
- EIT (4)
- el nino (3)
- elder abuse (1)
- Elder Charlotte Nolin (1)
- Elder Margaret Lavallee (1)
- Elder Teachings (1)
- Elders (2)
- Elders gathering (3)
- Elders-in-residence (3)
- election (9)
- election results (1)
- elective (1)
- electric vehicles (3)
- electrical and computer engineering (33)
- electrical engineering (2)
- electromagnetic spectrum (1)
- EleV Partnership (1)
- Elizabeth McCandless (9)
- Elon Musk (1)
- email (3)
- emergency (3)
- emerging leader award (20)
- emerging leaders (13)
- Emerging Leaders Award Winners (1)
- EmergingLeaders2023 (3)
- Emeritus (8)
- employee wellness (8)
- employers (1)
- endometriosis (1)
- Endowed chair in technology and assisted living (1)
- Endowment Fund (1)
- energy literacy (1)
- energy research (1)
- ENGAP (19)
- English (7)
- english language centre (14)
- english theatre film & media (4)
- English theatre film and media (2)
- enrolment (3)
- entomology (58)
- entrepreneurship (53)
- entrepreneurship and innovative thinking (19)
- environment (24)
- Environment and Climate Change Canada (1)
- Environment and Geography (58)
- Environment Earth and Resources (311)
- environmental design (17)
- environmental design program (4)
- environmental health and safety (4)
- Environmental Research (2)
- environmental sociology (1)
- environmental studies (5)
- epidemiology (1)
- equity (17)
- Equity Diversity and Inclusion (112)
- EV (1)
- Evening of Excellence (2)
- event (1)
- events (25)
- evolutionary genetics (1)
- exam support (1)
- exam tips (9)
- ExamDefferal (1)
- exams (27)
- ExamSuppor2024 (1)
- ExamSupport2023 (7)
- ExamSupport2024 (4)
- exceptional student experience (5)
- exchange (3)
- exchange program (1)
- Executive Education (4)
- exhibition (42)
- experience record (1)
- experiential learning (100)
- extended education (83)
- extracurricular (1)
- extreme weather (2)
- Facebook (83)
- facilities (2)
- faculties (4)
- faculty (727)
- Faculty and Staff (573)
- faculty books (3)
- Faculty Development Initiatives (2)
- Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (947)
- Faculty of Agriculture and food science (3)
- faculty of architecture (310)
- Faculty of Arts (1092)
- Faculty of Education (444)
- faculty of education research (18)
- Faculty of Graduate Studies (435)
- Faculty of Indigenous Studies (2)
- Faculty of Kinesiology and REcreation Management (77)
- Faculty of Law (392)
- faculty of music (22)
- Faculty of Nursing (15)
- Faculty of Science (852)
- Faculty of Science alumni (10)
- Faculty of Science community (11)
- Faculty of Science community and partners (61)
- Faculty of Science outreach (11)
- Faculty of Science research (87)
- Faculty of Science students (58)
- Faculty of Social Work (165)
- Faculty profile (6)
- faculty research (20)
- fakenew (1)
- fall (1)
- Fall 2016 Convocation (4)
- Fall Convocation 2019 (2)
- Fall Convocation 2022 (6)
- Fall Convocation 2023 (8)
- fall term (2)
- FallConvocation2023 (6)
- Falling Walls Manitoba (1)
- false registration information (1)
- family centre (3)
- Family Medicine (13)
- family mental health (1)
- family resources (5)
- family social sciences (4)
- Farm technology (1)
- farming (6)
- Faulty of Arts (5)
- Faulty of Law (3)
- FAUM alumni (2)
- FAUM awards (3)
- FAUMcoop (19)
- Federal government (3)
- fees (5)
- Fellowship (9)
- Fentanyl (1)
- Fertility rate (1)
- fields on wheels (1)
- FIFA (3)
- Film & Media (17)
- film and media (1)
- Final Grades (2)
- Finals (4)
- Finance (4)
- financial aid and awards (44)
- financial crime (1)
- financial services (11)
- Fine Arts (31)
- Fireside Chats (2)
- First Language Reclamation Summit (1)
- First Nations Family Advocate Office (1)
- first nine weeks (2)
- first year (4)
- First Year Centre (18)
- first year experience (15)
- first year students (24)
- fiscal update (1)
- Fisheries and oceans Canada (1)
- fishflies (1)
- fitness (1)
- Fitness Up North (1)
- FKRM Fieldwork (1)
- flag lowered (55)
- flax seed (1)
- flea beetle (1)
- flood risk (1)
- flooding (1)
- Florida Panthers (1)
- food and human nutritional sciences (77)
- food bank (5)
- food inflation (1)
- food insecurity (2)
- food prices (1)
- food science (9)
- Food Sciences (4)
- food security (2)
- food services (8)
- foods and human nutritional sciences (1)
- Football (7)
- Foraging (2)
- Forever Bicucles (1)
- Fort Garry Campus (26)
- Foundations and Psychology (1)
- Fragile Freedoms (5)
- French (5)
- French language (5)
- French Spanish and Italian (7)
- Freshwater institute (1)
- front and centre (228)
- Front and Centre – Graduate Student Support (55)
- Front and Centre – Indigenous Achievement (50)
- Front and Centre – Outstanding Student Experience (56)
- Front and Centre – Places and Spaces (29)
- Front and Centre – Research Excellence (23)
- Frontiers of Knowledge Award (1)
- fruit flies (1)
- funding (8)
- funding announce (1)
- funding announcement (2)
- fusarium head blight (1)
- Gairdner Award (1)
- Gallery (19)
- Game Changer (19)
- Gardens (2)
- Gen Z (1)
- GenAI (1)
- gender (4)
- gender and sexuality (3)
- Gender diversity (3)
- gender inequality (1)
- Genetics (2)
- Geneva Conventions (1)
- genocide (4)
- geographic information systems (1)
- geography (2)
- George and Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation (6)
- George Muswaggon (1)
- Gerald Heckman (16)
- Gerald Nemiroff (1)
- Gerard Kennedy (9)
- German and Slavic Studies (15)
- Get Involved (2)
- gift cards (1)
- Giga Mino Ganawenimaag Anishinaabeg (1)
- Gillian MacNeil (2)
- GIS (8)
- Giving (5)
- Giving Tuesday (1)
- glenlea observatory (1)
- Glenlea Research Station (8)
- global food science (1)
- global health (1)
- global political economy (4)
- global public health (4)
- Gold Medal in Law (1)
- Good Friday (1)
- GOSA (2)
- government (13)
- governor general (2)
- Governor General’s Literary Award (1)
- grad students (13)
- Grade Appeals (1)
- Graduate (5)
- graduate student (17)
- graduate students (502)
- graduate studies (128)
- Graduates (11)
- graduation (18)
- graduation pow wow (19)
- grain rail transportation (2)
- grain storage (1)
- grants (2)
- Gratitude Report (22)
- green investment fund (3)
- green spaces (1)
- Greenhouse gas (1)
- greenhouse gas emissions (1)
- GSO (3)
- Guess Who (1)
- Guest speaker (2)
- gynecology (1)
- H5N1 (1)
- Habitat for Humanity (6)
- hail stones (2)
- halloween (4)
- Halloween 2019 (5)
- Halloween on Campus (4)
- Hamilton family fonds (4)
- harassment policies (1)
- harvest loss (1)
- head start (2)
- health (13)
- health and wellness (111)
- Health Canada (1)
- health care ethics (1)
- health leisure & human performance research institute (3)
- health management (1)
- Health research (2)
- health sciences (15)
- health-care (3)
- healthcare (2)
- healthy (1)
- healthy u (19)
- healthyu (1)
- heart and stroke (1)
- Heart and Stroke Foundation (1)
- heart disease (1)
- heart garden (1)
- heart health (2)
- Heather Watson (1)
- Higher Education (3)
- historic railway (1)
- history (103)
- History and Indigenous studies (1)
- history of retailing (1)
- HIV (1)
- HLHPRI (2)
- hockey culture (1)
- Hockey Hazing (2)
- holiday (17)
- holiday shopping (1)
- holiday traditions (1)
- holidays (6)
- Holocaust (5)
- Home Economics (3)
- Homecoming (107)
- Homecoming 2022 (9)
- homecoming 2023 (5)
- Homecoming 2024 (5)
- Homepage stories (6)
- Honey bees (1)
- honorary degree (9)
- honorary degrees (4)
- Honouring Our Indigenous Campus Community (6)
- horror books (1)
- housing (1)
- (1)
- (1)
- Hubble (1)
- Human Ecology (24)
- Human Nutritional Sciences (55)
- human resources (284)
- Human Rights (116)
- human rights and conflict management office (10)
- human rights day (2)
- hybrid work (1)
- I.H. Asper School of Business (51)
- IBEP (25)
- ice intrepid (2)
- ice safety (1)
- ice thickness (1)
- icelandic language and literature (10)
- icmp (2)
- ICYMI (1)
- IDEA (24)
- Idea Start (2)
- ideastart (1)
- ieeq (3)
- Ignite award (2)
- IH Asper School of Business (5)
- Illia Roskoshnyi (2)
- Immigrants (1)
- immigration (1)
- immune therapy (1)
- immunology (29)
- In case you missed it (1)
- In Memoriam (3)
- In The News (5)
- incident (1)
- Inclusion (6)
- income tax cuts (1)
- India (2)
- Indigenous (1235)
- indigenous achievement (119)
- Indigenous Alumni (2)
- indigenous art (13)
- Indigenous Awards of Excellence (4)
- Indigenous Awareness month (4)
- Indigenous Awareness Week (5)
- Indigenous Bar Association (1)
- Indigenous Birding Club (5)
- Indigenous Business Education Partners (17)
- indigenous career mentor program (2)
- indigenous education (17)
- Indigenous engagement (25)
- Indigenous health (5)
- Indigenous heritage (1)
- Indigenous history (2)
- Indigenous Homecoming (4)
- indigenous identity (7)
- Indigenous knowledge (2)
- Indigenous language (2)
- Indigenous Law (1)
- Indigenous Leaders of Tomorrow (3)
- indigenous leadership (17)
- Indigenous literature (1)
- Indigenous orientation (1)
- Indigenous research (1)
- Indigenous Scholar Profile (8)
- Indigenous Scholar Profiles (2)
- Indigenous Scholars (7)
- Indigenous Seniors (1)
- Indigenous sport (1)
- indigenous student centre (54)
- indigenous students (43)
- indigenous studies (19)
- Indigenous Veterans’ Day (1)
- Indigenous Youth (1)
- Indigenous youth mentorship (1)
- IndigenousArt (1)
- IndigenousSuccess (1)
- Indigneous (1)
- industry (2)
- Infant asthma (1)
- Infant health (1)
- Infectious Disease (7)
- infectious diseases (1)
- inflation (5)
- Info Days (2)
- Info Sessions (6)
- infographic (2)
- Information Security (26)
- information security and compliance (4)
- Information Services and Technology (34)
- Infrastructure (60)
- inhaled pollutants (1)
- Inner City Social Work Program (4)
- innovation (2)
- insecticide (1)
- insects (3)
- Instagram (141)
- Institute for Global Public Health (10)
- Institute for Leadership Development (7)
- institute for the humanities (10)
- instructor (1)
- instructors (19)
- Intellectual Property and Technology Law Group (1)
- intensive care (1)
- Interdisciplinary Health Program (2)
- interior design (28)
- internal medicine (19)
- International (14)
- international center (1)
- International Centre (49)
- International Exchange (13)
- International Human Rights Clinic (1)
- International Inuit Day (1)
- International Relations (5)
- international student orientation (9)
- international students (84)
- international week (4)
- International women’s (1)
- international women’s day (19)
- Internationally Trained Lawyers (1)
- internet access (2)
- internet rates (1)
- internship (6)
- interprofessional community engagement (3)
- Interprofessional Education (5)
- Intimate partner violence (2)
- Inuit (1)
- invasive species (3)
- Investigative journalism (1)
- Investors Group Field (7)
- involvement (1)
- Israel Idonije (2)
- IST (35)
- IST security and compliance (9)
- Jacquie Ripat (1)
- James Plohman (1)
- James W. Burns Executive Education (4)
- James W. Burns Executive Education Centre (1)
- James W. Burns Leadership Institute (34)
- Jamie Penner (1)
- Jayanne English (1)
- Jayelle Friesen-Enns (1)
- Jazz Camp (2)
- jazz studies (8)
- JD/MBA (1)
- Jennifer Schulz (16)
- Jeremy Skibicki (3)
- Jesuit (2)
- job (1)
- job rates (1)
- Job Search (1)
- joe doupe recreation centre (8)
- John Buhler (1)
- John Einarson (1)
- John Irvine (7)
- John J. Conklin Theatre (13)
- John Stefaniuk (1)
- Josée Lavoie (1)
- judaic studies (3)
- Judith Scanlan (1)
- Judy Jayasuriya (1)
- JUMP (3)
- junior bisons (5)
- Juris Doctor (1)
- Jurists of Robson Hall (2)
- Justice (1)
- Justice Michelle O’Bonsawin (1)
- Justice Murray Sinclair (3)
- Justin Trudeau (1)
- Kamloops Indian Residential School (1)
- Karen Busby (16)
- Katie Szilagyi (6)
- Kawaskimhon (1)
- Kellie Thiessen (1)
- Kelsey McKay (1)
- Kenneth Grad (1)
- Keystone Agricultural Producers (1)
- kidney failure (1)
- Kidney research (1)
- Kids Dental Outreach Program (2)
- Kidult Club: The Collaborative Kinetics of the Royal Art Lodge (1)
- killer whales (2)
- Kindergarten (1)
- Kinesiology and Recreation Management (586)
- King Charles III Coronational Medal (1)
- Kinrec Connect (7)
- Kjell Anderson (17)
- Knight Lecture (19)
- Knowledge Keepers (1)
- L. Kerry Vicar Business Law Clinic (2)
- L. Kerry Vickar Business Law Clinic (26)
- labour dispute (2)
- Labour law (1)
- Labour markets (1)
- labour negotiations (1)
- labour relations (7)
- labour shortage (3)
- labour studies (45)
- Lac du Bonnet (1)
- Lake Winnipeg (2)
- land-based (4)
- landscape architecture (20)
- language (4)
- language center (1)
- Laura Reimer (2)
- Laurelle Harris (1)
- Law (248)
- law alumni (20)
- Law Bilingual Program (13)
- Law Clinics (13)
- Law Donor (24)
- Law Indigenous (22)
- Law Research (17)
- Law Society of Manitoba (5)
- law students (13)
- Leaders of Tomorrow (5)
- leadership (22)
- Leadership announcement (14)
- Learning (6)
- learning and organizational development (14)
- Learning and Organizational Development office (10)
- lecture (2)
- Legal Aid Manitoba (2)
- legal research (2)
- lentils (2)
- Leo Baskatawang (5)
- Leslie Spillett (1)
- let’s talk science (6)
- Liberal (1)
- Liberal Party (1)
- Librarian (1)
- Librarians (2)
- Libraries (204)
- Libraries workshop (2)
- Library (1)
- Library Tips (7)
- lifelong learning (8)
- limited access (4)
- linguistics (28)
- LinkedIn (5)
- Lions Place (1)
- Lisa Griffin (1)
- Lisa Lix (1)
- lists (26)
- Literature (1)
- lithium (2)
- Live Well (10)
- live well @work (9)
- living wage (2)
- Liz McCandless (4)
- LLM program (2)
- loans (1)
- LOD (3)
- Loneliness (1)
- Lorna Turnbull (21)
- Louis Riel (1)
- louis riel day (12)
- Lucasfilm (1)
- Lukas Films (1)
- Luncheon (1)
- Lupus (1)
- Lyle McKinnon (1)
- Lyme disease (1)
- Magellan (2)
- Magis Awards (1)
- MAID (3)
- management (2)
- Manitoba Agriculture (1)
- Manitoba Airship Research Task Force (1)
- Manitoba Bar Association (7)
- Manitoba Beef Producers (1)
- Manitoba Book Awards (2)
- Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (55)
- Manitoba Centre for Nursing and Health Research (1)
- Manitoba Clinic for the Arts (2)
- Manitoba Flexible Learning Hub (2)
- Manitoba gover (1)
- Manitoba government (11)
- manitoba great lakes (2)
- Manitoba health (1)
- Manitoba health care (2)
- Manitoba Indigenous Law Student Association (13)
- Manitoba Institute for Materials (9)
- Manitoba Institute for Policy Research (3)
- Manitoba Institute of Cell Biology (5)
- Manitoba Institute of Child Health (2)
- Manitoba Law Foundation (1)
- Manitoba Law Journal (6)
- Manitoba Law Students Association (8)
- Manitoba Legal Clinic for the Arts (8)
- Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries (1)
- Manitoba Nurses Union (1)
- Manitoba politics (9)
- Manitoba RCMP (3)
- Manitoba research chair (1)
- Manitoba school division (2)
- Manitoba Student Health Research Forum (2)
- Manitoba Teachers Society (2)
- Manitoba’s Chief Public Health Officer (1)
- Map the System (2)
- Maple syrup (1)
- Marc Kruse (21)
- Marcia Anderson (3)
- Margaret Hart (1)
- Margaret Lavallee (3)
- Marine (2)
- marine biology (1)
- marine warming (1)
- Marketing (9)
- Marshall Pitz (1)
- martha koch (1)
- Martine Dennie (4)
- Mary Bertone (2)
- Mary Shariff (11)
- Master of Human Rights (22)
- Master of Laws (5)
- master of physician assistant studies (1)
- Masters of Education (6)
- maternal and newborn health (2)
- Mathematics (77)
- Mauro Chair in Human RIghts and Social Justice (6)
- Max Bell (1)
- Max Rady (1)
- Max Rady College of Medicine (1067)
- Maya Turner (2)
- MB Forage and Grassland Association (1)
- MB Hub (6)
- MBA (9)
- MBhub (1)
- McCall MacBain Scholarship (5)
- MCNHR (2)
- mechanical engineering (21)
- Media Release (4)
- Media Release 2024 (4)
- medical microbiology (39)
- medical microbiology and infections diseases (3)
- medicine (62)
- Meet The Dean or Director (19)
- meeters and greeters (1)
- Melanie Mackinnon (5)
- Memorial (1)
- memoriams (4)
- Menstrual equity (3)
- mental health (60)
- mental illness (1)
- mentor (3)
- mentoring (14)
- Mentorship (12)
- Métis (18)
- Metis Fiddling (1)
- Métis women (2)
- MFA (5)
- Michael Nesbitt (1)
- Michelle Gallant (8)
- Michelle Lobchuk (3)
- Microbiology (198)
- microplastics (1)
- Microsoft (4)
- Microsoft 365 (4)
- midwifery (2)
- migizii agamik-Bald Eagle Lodge (1)
- migration (1)
- MILSA (4)
- mindfulness (3)
- Mini U (67)
- Mini U Programs (6)
- minimum wage (1)
- Mining (1)
- Mitacs (2)
- MMIF (1)
- MMIWG (17)
- money laundering (4)
- Monkeypox (1)
- Montreal Massacre (1)
- Moot Competitions (21)
- moot program (16)
- Moots (16)
- mosaic (2)
- mosquito (2)
- mosquitoes (1)
- Movie (1)
- movie premiere (1)
- MPAS (3)
- MPHETE (2)
- mpox (6)
- MS disease (1)
- MS research (1)
- mt180 (8)
- Multiple Myeloma (1)
- Muriel St. John (1)
- mushrooms (2)
- music (48)
- music research (1)
- Muslim Students Association (2)
- Myera Group Inc. (1)
- mythbusting (3)
- Narendra Malalgoda (1)
- NASA (2)
- Natasha Brown (11)
- Natella Malazoniia (3)
- Nathan Derejko (5)
- Nathan Greidanus (2)
- Nathan Nickel (1)
- National Aboriginal Day (4)
- national centre for livestock and the environment (3)
- National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (184)
- national day for truth and reconciliation (18)
- National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (3)
- National Indigenous History Month (5)
- National Indigenous Peoples Day (20)
- National Indigenous Peoples Month (1)
- National Research Centre (9)
- National Track and Field (1)
- national volunteer week (2)
- Native Studies (76)
- NATO (2)
- Natural Resources Institute (45)
- Natural Resources Management (1)
- nature (1)
- Nature United (1)
- NCTR (35)
- NCTR Archives (1)
- NDP (3)
- NDP government (5)
- Neurology (1)
- neuroscience (1)
- New Aurora (9)
- New Canadians (2)
- new courses (1)
- new crop and soil facility (1)
- new hires (5)
- new student peer mentorship program (2)
- new students (17)
- NFL (1)
- ngwe (6)
- NHL (1)
- NHL hockey (1)
- Nick Slonosky (10)
- Niigaan Sinclair (1)
- nitrogen (1)
- no smoking (1)
- non-alcoholic beverages (1)
- northern housing crisis (1)
- northern lights (2)
- Northern Remote Stream (1)
- nostalgia (2)
- Not Myself Today campaign (3)
- NRI (1)
- Nunavut (1)
- Nursing (249)
- oat protein (1)
- obstetrics (1)
- occupational health (1)
- Occupational Medicine (1)
- occupational therapy (14)
- Occupations (1)
- oel (6)
- OER (3)
- Office 365 (6)
- Office of Community Engagement (3)
- Office of Equity Transformation (19)
- Office of Experiential Learning (10)
- Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management (4)
- Office of Research and Quality Improvement (5)
- Office of Sustainability (221)
- oil and gas (1)
- Ojibway language (1)
- Olive Beatrice Stanton Award (1)
- olympics (33)
- Ongomiizwin (29)
- Ongomiizwin Indigenous Institute of Health and Healing (32)
- online commerce (1)
- Online fraud (1)
- Online Learning (5)
- online misinformation (1)
- online orientation (2)
- online scam (1)
- online shopping (1)
- Opaskwayak Cree Nation (1)
- Open access (2)
- open access publishing (3)
- Open educational resources (2)
- Open House (12)
- Open scholarship (7)
- Open@UM (2)
- Opening Exercises (1)
- Operations and Maintenance (21)
- opinion (5)
- opioid crisis (1)
- opportunities resources awards accolades (1)
- opportunity (2)
- oraa (1)
- oral biology (3)
- Oral health (2)
- Orange shirt day (1)
- orcas (1)
- Order of Canada (7)
- Order of Manitoba (4)
- Organizational behaviour (3)
- organized crime (1)
- Orientation (45)
- OurCare (1)
- Outreach (13)
- Outstanding student experience (16)
- Ozempic (1)
- P-8A surveillance aircraft (1)
- painting (2)
- palliative care (1)
- pandemic (2)
- Pandemics history series UML Archives (2)
- panel discussion (1)
- panorama (2)
- Panzi (1)
- paralympics (1)
- parental leave (1)
- parents (4)
- Paris Olympics (3)
- parking (28)
- parking services (16)
- partial eclipse (1)
- partners program (1)
- partnerships and innovation (8)
- pathophysiology (1)
- Paul Albrechtsen Research Institute (1)
- pavement design (1)
- payroll (5)
- PC leadership race (1)
- Peace and Conflict Studies (34)
- peas (2)
- peat moss (1)
- pediatric dentistry (1)
- Pediatrics (8)
- pediatrics & child health (26)
- Pediatrics and Child Health (8)
- peer mentor (5)
- Peguis First Nation (1)
- pension (11)
- pension office (9)
- percussion (1)
- perennial crops (1)
- perennial intermediate wheatgrass (1)
- PERKS (4)
- pest control (1)
- Peter Cattini (1)
- Peter Nickerson (1)
- Peter Nygard (2)
- pharmacology and therapeutics (13)
- Pharmacy (96)
- Pharmacy Research Day (3)
- PharmD (4)
- phd (3)
- Philanthropy (267)
- Philip Ferguson (1)
- philosophy (53)
- phishing (9)
- Photo (5)
- photo contest (9)
- photography (10)
- physical plant (63)
- physical therapy (4)
- physician assistant (14)
- Physics and Astronomy (178)
- physiology (33)
- Pickleball (1)
- Pig research (1)
- pigs (1)
- Plan 2050 (1)
- PlaneWave CDK350 telescope (1)
- planned giving (3)
- planning (1)
- plant protein (1)
- plant science (66)
- PlayCare (2)
- Polar Bear Research (2)
- polar bears (4)
- Polar Bears International (1)
- Polar ring galaxy (1)
- policy (4)
- Polina Anang (1)
- political science (1)
- political studies (153)
- politics (11)
- pollination (1)
- pollinators (1)
- pollution (2)
- pop culture (2)
- Poster Competition (7)
- potassium (2)
- potholes (2)
- POTS (1)
- Pottery (1)
- Pow Wow (24)
- Power dynamics (1)
- Power outage (3)
- practicum (3)
- Prairie Mountain Health (1)
- Pre and post natal research (1)
- Premier Kinew (1)
- Premier Wab Kinew (1)
- prep week (5)
- preschool child-care (1)
- president (261)
- President’s Bookshelf (2)
- President’s Perspective (27)
- President’s Scholars (2)
- president’s student leadership program (34)
- Price Faculty of Engineering (626)
- Price Student-Managed Investment Fund (1)
- pride (43)
- Pride Week (4)
- primary care (1)
- Prison Law Clinic (2)
- privacy (4)
- Pro Bono Students Canada (1)
- professional development (47)
- Program (1)
- Project-Based (1)
- Promoting Aboriginal Community Together Program (2)
- promoting black flourishing fund (1)
- prostate cancer (1)
- protein (2)
- provincial budget (5)
- Provincial court (3)
- provincial economy (1)
- provost and vice-president (academic) (121)
- PSLP (10)
- psychiatry (30)
- Psychol (1)
- psychology (113)
- PTSD (1)
- public administration (1)
- public event (9)
- Public guardian system (1)
- Public Health (1)
- Public Health Act (1)
- public safety (1)
- public sector salaries (1)
- public transportation (9)
- publication (2)
- publications (5)
- pulse crops (3)
- r/v william kennedy (3)
- racism (8)
- rady (3)
- Rady alumni journeys (8)
- Rady Biomedical Fish Facility (1)
- Rady Faculty (7)
- Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (2005)
- Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Dr. Annette Schultz (1)
- Radygradstudents (18)
- RadyGradStudents2023 (2)
- railway (1)
- Rainbow community garden (1)
- Rajesh Manchanda (1)
- Raman Dhaliwal Dr. Netha Dyck (1)
- Randy Boissonault (1)
- rankings (1)
- Reading (1)
- Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich (5)
- rebranding (1)
- Rec and Read (5)
- rec clubs (3)
- Reconciliation (49)
- Reconciliation barometer (2)
- records and information (1)
- records management (1)
- records training (1)
- Recreation (14)
- Recreation Services (127)
- Recruitement (3)
- recruitment (6)
- recycling (1)
- Red Dress Day (1)
- Red River Metis (1)
- Red River Valley effect (1)
- refugees (4)
- reg litz teaching day (1)
- Regional Health authority (1)
- Registrar’s Office (84)
- registration (27)
- Registration Access Time (7)
- Registration revision period (4)
- rehab sciences (3)
- rehabilitation sciences (130)
- reimagined spaces (1)
- Rejection (1)
- Religion (15)
- Remembrance Day (13)
- remote learning (5)
- reporting (1)
- reproductive health (1)
- Research and International (2207)
- research awards (10)
- Research Manitoba (2)
- Research Seminar Series (3)
- Researcher (2)
- Researchers (15)
- ResearchLIFE (10)
- Residence (22)
- Residential Schools (9)
- Residents (1)
- respect the goose (8)
- respectful work and learning environment policy (4)
- respirology (1)
- responding to disclosures (3)
- resting heart rate (1)
- restorative justice (1)
- resume writing (1)
- retirees (5)
- retirement (2)
- retirement planning (6)
- retreat (2)
- return-to-campus (6)
- Rh Awards (31)
- Rhodes Scholar (9)
- Rhodes Scholarship (2)
- Richard Jochelson (24)
- Richard Morantz and Sheree Walder (1)
- Richard Morantz and Sheree Walder Professorship in business ethics (1)
- Richardson Centre for Food Technology and Research (25)
- Riddell Faculty (70)
- Rights Clinic (3)
- Rights Clinic at Robson Hall (3)
- road closure (11)
- road repairs (3)
- road safety (2)
- Roberta Woodgate (1)
- robotics (3)
- robots (1)
- Robson Hall (1)
- Royal Alexandra hospital (1)
- Royal Art Lodge exhibit (1)
- RSV (1)
- RTDS technologies (1)
- Rural crime (1)
- safety (5)
- safety alert (3)
- sale (1)
- santa claus parade (1)
- satellite (2)
- satellite communication hub (1)
- scams (1)
- scholarly publications (2)
- scholarship (20)
- Scholarship in Teaching and Learning (SOTL) (9)
- scholarships (75)
- school (2)
- school of agriculture (41)
- School of Art (226)
- School of Art Gallery (67)
- School of Dental Hygiene (33)
- School of Medical Rehabilitation (9)
- School of Music (1)
- Schulich Leader Scholarships (31)
- Science (182)
- science alumni (2)
- Science Co-op (10)
- science featured (12)
- Science Rendezvous (5)
- science research (22)
- science rh awards (3)
- science vanier scholar (2)
- Sea Bears (1)
- sea ice (3)
- Sea-Ice Environmental Research Facility (10)
- SEAD (1)
- security (6)
- Security Services (19)
- Seine River (1)
- self-care (3)
- self-declaration (1)
- SelfDeclaration (1)
- senate (9)
- senior fitness (1)
- senior health (2)
- seniors (1)
- service disruption (21)
- service disruptions (28)
- Service Learning (24)
- Seven Oaks Hospital Foundation (1)
- severe weather (1)
- sexism (1)
- Sexual Assault Policy (14)
- sexual violence (23)
- sexual violence resource centre (15)
- Shaping Innovators (17)
- shaping our story (8)
- Shawn Singh (1)
- Sherri Walsh (1)
- shoplifting (1)
- shrews (1)
- Sick notes (1)
- Siloam mission (1)
- SIN (4)
- slang words (1)
- Sleep (1)
- sleep disorders (1)
- Sleep fellowship (1)
- slip (1)
- small business (2)
- smartpark (2)
- smoking (1)
- snowfall records (1)
- soccer (2)
- social justice (4)
- social justice and anti-racism (2)
- social media (119)
- sociology (16)
- sociology and criminology (15)
- soil ecology (2)
- soil science (72)
- Sol Kanee (6)
- solar eclipse (3)
- solar flares (1)
- solar storm (2)
- Solomon Greenberg Moot (2)
- sotl (11)
- Southwood Lands (6)
- Soybeans (2)
- space (1)
- space research (2)
- space station (1)
- Space Technology and Advanced Research Learning (1)
- SpaceX (1)
- Spirit of the Bison (2)
- Spirit of the Bison Day (1)
- spiritual care (15)
- spiritual care and multifaith centre (3)
- spiritual spaces (1)
- Sport and Reconciliation (6)
- Sport and wellness (1)
- sport research (1)
- sports (10)
- Sports Law (1)
- Sports psychology (1)
- Spring (2)
- Spring Convocation 2021 (4)
- Spring Convocation 2022 (23)
- Spring Convocation 2023 (11)
- Spring convocation 2024 (6)
- SpringConvocation2023 (23)
- SSHRC (4)
- St John’s College (52)
- St John’s College alumni (12)
- St John’s College community (37)
- St John’s College fellowship (17)
- St John’s College residence (16)
- St John’s College student membership (23)
- St John’s College students (26)
- St. Paul’s College (63)
- Staff (657)
- staff and faculty (2)
- Staff Appreciation Week (1)
- Star Wars (6)
- STARLab (1)
- starlink (2)
- Statistics (60)
- Statistics Canada (2)
- Stats Canada (1)
- STEAM (2)
- STEM (4)
- storytelling (3)
- Strategic Plan (18)
- Strategic Planning Framework (8)
- Strategic Plans (1)
- Strategic Research plan (1)
- stress (10)
- stress management (6)
- strike (4)
- Strike Info (44)
- strike negotiations (5)
- Strikes (1)
- STRR (5)
- Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship (86)
- Stu Clark Graduate School (31)
- Student (66)
- Student accessibility services (14)
- student advocacy and accessibility services (13)
- Student Advocacy and Case Management (1)
- student affairs (39)
- Student Art (1)
- Student athlete (3)
- Student Competition (10)
- student counselling centre (20)
- student engagement and success (1)
- Student Experience (17)
- student experience and development (1)
- Student Gallery (4)
- student health (1)
- Student ID Cards (3)
- student leadership (6)
- Student learning (1)
- Student Life (80)
- student loans (2)
- student mental health (6)
- Student Orientation (3)
- student programming (1)
- student recruitment (5)
- student research (3)
- Student success (27)
- student success month (17)
- Student Success Week (5)
- student support (108)
- student supports (2)
- student weekly (2)
- student wellness (3)
- Student wellness centre (3)
- student work (5)
- Students (2670)
- Students’ Teacher Recognition Reception (3)
- Study (7)
- study abroad (1)
- study spaces (1)
- study tips (2)
- studying (6)
- submarines (1)
- success through wellness (2)
- Sufia Turner (2)
- summer (2)
- summer campus 2014 (4)
- Summer Internship (3)
- Summer Olympics (1)
- summer session (3)
- summer term (7)
- sunshine list (1)
- Super Bowl (1)
- supernova (1)
- Supplemental Instruction (1)
- supply chain management (19)
- Supply management (1)
- Support (1)
- support staff (20)
- support staff endowment fund (7)
- supports (1)
- Supreme Court of Canada (1)
- surrogacy (1)
- survey (8)
- Survivors (1)
- sustainability (49)
- sustainability month (5)
- sustainability night (1)
- sustainable agriculture (1)
- sustainable campus (1)
- sustainable food system (1)
- swimming (2)
- SWISH (2)
- syllabus (1)
- synchrotron (1)
- Synthetic Biology (2)
- Taché Arts Complex (6)
- Tackling climate (1)
- Tackling climate change (9)
- Taking on Climate Change (51)
- talk (1)
- Tamra Alexander (1)
- Tax Forms (8)
- Taxes (4)
- Taylor Swift (2)
- TD bank (1)
- teacher (1)
- teachers (1)
- Teaching (35)
- teaching and learning (44)
- Teaching Awards (13)
- teaching cafe (5)
- Teaching Life 2017 (6)
- teaching skills (2)
- TeachingLIFE (15)
- Team Canada (1)
- technology (16)
- technology in teaching (9)
- Ted Lakowski (1)
- telescope (1)
- Temporary workers (1)
- tenant laws (1)
- TESLA (1)
- textile science (4)
- textiles (1)
- The Associates (9)
- The Bulletin (6)
- the centre (3)
- The Centre for Human Rights Research (2)
- the centre for the advancement of teaching and learning (49)
- The Conversation (132)
- The Edge Lab project (1)
- The Forks (2)
- The Leaf (1)
- The Manitoba Law Journal (3)
- The Review of Enterprise and Trade Law (1)
- The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2)
- Theatre (29)
- thecentre (2)
- thehub (1)
- thermal physiology (1)
- thermophysiology (1)
- Thesis (2)
- Things to Know (330)
- Thomas Klonisch (1)
- Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP (1)
- thrive (9)
- throne speech (4)
- Tiber River (1)
- ticks (1)
- Tik Tok (1)
- TLC (4)
- together (1)
- top 10 (2)
- top employer (1)
- Top Five (4)
- toxic masculinity (1)
- trailblazer talks (3)
- trailblazers do (6)
- training (7)
- transforming and learning experience (3)
- Transforming the Learning Experience (83)
- transit (4)
- transitional housing (1)
- Transport Institute (51)
- transportation (24)
- trauma (2)
- travel (6)
- Travel delays (1)
- TRC Traditional Knowledge Keepers Event (5)
- treasury services (1)
- Trending (54)
- Trina McFadyen (3)
- Truth and Reconciliation (33)
- tuberculosis (1)
- Tuition and Fees (2)
- tutor (3)
- Twisters (1)
- Twitter (81)
- Two-Spirit (1)
- type 2 diabetes (1)
- typha (1)
- U sports (1)
- U.N. Paris Agreement (1)
- U1 (2)
- Ukraine (19)
- UM (4)
- UM Archives and Special Collections (2)
- UM Bisons (8)
- UM Career (31)
- UM Career Fair (1)
- UM Career Month (4)
- UM Centre for Human Rights Research (1)
- um commons (4)
- UM Distinguished Visiting Lecturer (1)
- um essentials (3)
- UM Faces and Spaces (7)
- UM faculty (1)
- UM food bank (3)
- UM History (5)
- UM Intranet (5)
- UM Learn (12)
- um orientation (3)
- UM Press (10)
- UM Queer (3)
- UM students (3)
- UM140 (56)
- umachieve (4)
- UManitoba 2022 (2)
- umanitoba2020 (56)
- umanitoba2023 (18)
- UMCareer (7)
- UMCLC (4)
- UMCLC – Prison Law Clinic (1)
- umcommons (4)
- umcommunity (12)
- UMConnect (1)
- umconvocation (9)
- umcycle (3)
- umfa (34)
- UMFM (5)
- umintegrity (2)
- umorientation (5)
- umqueer (8)
- UMSAE (1)
- UMSC (1)
- umstudent (19)
- UMSU (30)
- UMSU University Centre (4)
- UMunsungheroes (3)
- UMVP (2)
- UN (2)
- Undead Archive (2)
- Undergrad students (9)
- undergraduate (13)
- Undergraduate Research (12)
- Undergraduate Research Awards (25)
- undergraduate students (100)
- undergraduate-research-award (3)
- undergraduates (7)
- Underwearness project (1)
- UNDRIP (4)
- Union (1)
- Unionized workers (2)
- United Kingdom’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (1)
- united nations (4)
- United Way (5)
- University 1 (15)
- University Awards (1)
- university business records (1)
- University entrance (1)
- university health service (4)
- University of Manitoba (12)
- University of Manitoba Press (4)
- University of Saskatchewan (1)
- unpaid annuities (1)
- URA (5)
- urban studies (1)
- US trade (1)
- Usage agreement (1)
- vacation purchase plan (4)
- vaccinations (2)
- Vaccine (2)
- vaccines (12)
- Valedictorian (1)
- Valentine’s Day (3)
- Valour FC (1)
- Vanessa Poliquin (1)
- Vanier Cup (1)
- Vanier Scholar (48)
- vaping (1)
- vegan diet (2)
- Verna J. Kirkness Science and Engineering Education Program (2)
- vertical farming (2)
- Veterans (1)
- VIBE Awards (2)
- vice-president (administration) (13)
- Vice-President Indigenous (3)
- vice-provost (5)
- video (4)
- Virginia Torrie (17)
- Virology (1)
- virtual learning for life (3)
- virtual reality (4)
- Visionary (re)Generation (23)
- Visionary Conversations (60)
- Visualization (4)
- voluntary withdrawal (5)
- volunteer (66)
- VR (2)
- Wab Kinew (5)
- walk (1)
- War (2)
- Warm weather (1)
- Warren Centre for Actuarial Studies & Research (2)
- waste reduction (5)
- water (6)
- Water safety (1)
- watershed (3)
- Wawatay (2)
- Way of the Cross (1)
- Wayne Fleming Arena (1)
- Weather (3)
- Weather records (2)
- week of thanks (2)
- welcome day (5)
- welcome message (3)
- well-being (1)
- wellness (15)
- Wendy Whitecloud (9)
- Wenxi Pu (6)
- WestJet (1)
- wheat (1)
- wheat alkaloid research (1)
- White Coat ceremony (1)
- Wikiwin Training Enterprise (1)
- wild bees (1)
- wild rice (1)
- wild rice study (1)
- wildfires (1)
- william norrie campus (1)
- wind energy (1)
- Winipek: Visions of Canada from an Indigenous Centre (1)
- Winnipeg Blue Bombers (3)
- Winnipeg general strike 1919 (1)
- Winnipeg Jets (2)
- Winnipeg Police (2)
- Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (1)
- Winnipeg school division (1)
- Winnipeg Sea Bears (2)
- winter (2)
- Winter 2025 (1)
- Winter Olympics (2)
- Winter roads (1)
- winter term (4)
- winter wheat (1)
- wise kid-netic (5)
- women (1)
- women & gender studies (13)
- women and work (1)
- women in leadership (2)
- women of distinction (2)
- Women’s health (3)
- womens and gender studies (24)
- wood ticks (1)
- Words and Music: The Stories Behind the Books (1)
- work (1)
- work abroad (1)
- work from home (3)
- work life balance (1)
- Work Study (9)
- work-integrated learning (1)
- Workshop (11)
- workshops (26)
- World AIDS Day (1)
- World Health Organization (1)
- World Opportunities Week (4)
- World Police and Fire Games (1)
- World War II (1)
- world water day (1)
- writing (20)
- Writing Bootcamp (1)
- writing tutors (2)
- wrongful convictions (1)