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provost and vice-president (academic) News Archive

Two Black students smiling, at the Asper School of Business

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Black Flourishing at UM

January 29, 2025 — 
From bookclubs and podcasts to keynote speeches and panel discussions, the 2024-25 Promoting Black Flourishing Fund showcase the creativity and diversity of the Black community at UM.

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Instructor in classroom writing on a whiteboard

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) fund calls for applications

January 24, 2025 — 
Professors, instructors and librarians are invited to apply to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Support Fund which provides opportunities to meaningfully engage in projects that enhance the learning experience and success of UM students.

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laptop and papers showing graphs and statistical information

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Data for Justice

January 20, 2025 — 
The Data Justice series will feature presentations and panel discussions on how data can be leveraged to identify systemic inequities and support actions that reduce barriers and narrow gaps for marginalized people. It aims to spark meaningful conversations and encourage the UM community to critically explore the role of data in shaping a more equitable future.

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Photo of Dr. Stephen Runge

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Announcing UM’s new dean of Music and Art

January 10, 2025 — 
The University of Manitoba is pleased to announce that Dr. Stephen Runge has been appointed to the dual role of Dean, Desautels Faculty of Music and Director, School of Art, effective May 1, 2025.

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Two pieces of public art at the University of Manitoba.

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

New committee aims to diversify the UM Art Collection

December 12, 2024 — 
The Diversifying the UM Art Collection Program is seeking dedicated individuals to join a committee and make a difference in the representation of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities through visual art on UM campuses.

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Attendees listen to a speaker in Marshall McLuhan Hall

Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning

Inaugural faculty symposium showcases entrepreneurship at UM

December 2, 2024 — 
Nearly 100 people gathered for the inaugural Entrepreneurship & Innovative Thinking Faculty Symposium on Monday, November 25th. The collaborative event hosted by The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, the Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship, IDEA START, and Partnerships, Knowledge Mobilization and Innovation, brought together our UM community to learn about entrepreneurship in various forms.

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Photo of a presenter speaking in front of a group of people

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

New Public Classroom Initiative aims to foster informed and respectful dialogue on contemporary issues

December 2, 2024 — 
The Office of Equity Transformation introduces the Public Classroom Initiative, an extension of the Listening, Learning, Leading series, designed to foster informed dialogue and deepen understanding of contemporary issues within the UM community.

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Overhead view of person sitting at laptop. A graphic is overlayed on top of the image, showing icons of people interconnected.

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Managing data at a digitally-driven university

November 29, 2024 — 
UM in the process of creating a new governance model

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Photo of a long road surrounded by evergreen trees

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Navigating retirement: UM’s holistic supports for staff and faculty

November 28, 2024 — 
Retirement, while exciting, can bring a mix of emotions. In recognition of the complexities of this life transition, the Office of the Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs), through UM Family Resources, and the help of the Pension Office and Human Resources, has developed a number of resources to support staff and faculty as they navigate the non-financial aspects of retirement.

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Photo of Emeritus honourees with Chancellor Anne Mahon and President Michael Benarroch

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

UM honours Emeriti 2024

November 26, 2024 — 
On November 21, UM honoured 24 exemplary individuals with the title of Emeritus, which included a Vice-President Emerita and three Distinguished Professor Emeriti.

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