Are you looking for work, trying to get that first job, or want to gain experience in your field of study? You won’t want to miss the weekly edition of Get Hired, by Career Services!
Career Services, Students
In healthy intimate relationships, partners can live their individual lives feeling emotionally and physically safe to be who they are. Unfortunately, we know this feeling of safety isn’t being experienced by everyone on campus. At UM’s Sexual Violence Resource Centre (SVRC), we regularly provide support to students, staff and faculty who are living in situations that do not feel safe to them. Learn more about what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like, intimate partner violence, and available support.
education, sexual violence, sexual violence resource centre, student support
Experiential learning (EL) is when you learn by doing. It means practical, interactive experiences in and outside the classroom. These experiences can happen anywhere: in class, at the workplace, on the land, or in a community setting.
experiential learning, graduate students, Students