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Three student volunteers greet new students at orientation. They stand in front of an inflatable University of Manitoba arch and hold signs that say "We are all Bisons"


Trailbreakers and impact makers: standout student success stories of 2024

November 29, 2024 — 
UM students have been making an impact in Manitoba and around the world. Check out the year’s top stories showcasing student accomplishments in academics, community impact and personal pursuits.

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Sabine Mai

Research and International

Medical breakthrough provides hope for early risk stratification of a deadly blood cancer

November 29, 2024 — 
Dr. Sabine Mai publishes groundbreaking study shows early risk stratification of smoldering multiple myeloma, a precursor state to multiple myeloma, a deadly form of blood cancer.  

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Dr. Marcia Anderson speaks at a podium as other speakers look on.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

New training for Manitoba health workers to focus on culturally safe care for Indigenous patients

November 26, 2024 — 
A program designed to ensure that Manitoba health-care workers provide culturally safe care to Indigenous patients has been developed by Ongomiizwin, the Indigenous Institute of Health and Healing in UM’s Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, in partnership with Manitoba’s health system organizations.

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Charlie Spiring stands in downtown Winnipeg

A Bison at the Centre of Finance

November 21, 2024 — 
UM alum Charlie Spiring set himself apart and grew a $10-billion investment firm

Isha Khan at the Canadian Museum of Human Rights.

Our herd moves the world

September 20, 2024 — 
It’s time we stopped being so humble about the world-class university we’ve built together. In fact, we’re about to launch a bold campaign to attract more of the best and brightest to the University of Manitoba. Why? Because the world needs more Bisons—more of you.

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Group of people in front of banner sign for Extended Education courses

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Transforming our community through equity education

July 16, 2024 — 
A new micro-certificate program is available for UM staff, students and faculty to develop skills in advancing equity and accessibility at UM. The first courses of the micro-certificate in equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility (EDIA), as well as the prerequisite course EDIA 0100: Foundations, will be offered in this Fall Term.

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