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Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources
UM Today Network
Black bear walking around a field. Photo by: Tomáš Malík

CBC Manitoba: Bear-proof bins would be worth the investment in Manitoba provincial park, expert says

A professor at the University of Manitoba says it’s shocking that larger commercial bear-proof containers haven’t been installed in Whiteshell Provincial Park, where black bears have been seen breaking into garbage bins to get food.

Garbage containers near Falcon Lake in southeastern Manitoba used to be stored in wooden structures that helped to protect the bins and prevent wildlife from eating what’s inside, residents say.

The province replaced the enclosures a few years ago with metal bins that have plastic lids.

“If you can open the container with a crowbar, it’s not bear-proof.… That is basic bear smart 101,” said Michael Campbell, Professor of environment, earth and resources at the U of M.

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