Law Research News Archive

Faculty of Law
Introducing The Review of Enterprise and Trade Law
August 1, 2024 —
After more than a year of hard work and planning, the editorial team at the Manitoba Law Journal announces the inaugural release of its newest dimension: The Review of Enterprise and Trade Law (TRETL). The release of the MLJ’s Volume 46, Issue 7 follows the merging of the freshly-minted Desautels Review and the long-standing Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law. TRETL will be the MLJ’s sixth dimension of publication, focussing on broad legal issues faced by business and trade globally as well as local issues respecting trade and enterprise in Manitoba.

Faculty of Law
Manitoba Law Journal Takes Close Look at ODR
July 9, 2024 —
As the legal profession moves further into the bold new—virtual—world of web-based services, the MLJ’s Executive Editors, Dr. Bryan P. Schwartz and Professor Darcy L. MacPherson, are excited to announce a new special issue about Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). The project is part 2 of a trilogy of issues centered on how the Canadian legal system deals with crisis in the modern age. Volume 46, Issue 2, Online Dispute Resolution: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, is part oral history, part academic exploration of ODR.

Faculty of Law
Dr. Mary Shariff named Director of Master of Human Rights program
June 28, 2024 —
The Office of the Dean of Law, University of Manitoba has announced the appointment of Dr. Mary J. Shariff as the Director of the Master of Human Rights (MHR) program effective July 1, 2024, for a five-year term.

Faculty of Law
Faculty of Law class publishes Sports Law magazine, Robson Rundown
June 26, 2024 —
Knowing that their class assignments would be published in a glossy magazine to be read by all at the end of the year was a brilliant way for Assistant Professor Martine Dennie to get her Sports Law class students to step up to the plate and deliver their best.

Research and International
The Conversation: Are governments using proceeds from crime to raise public funds?
June 24, 2024 —
Civil forfeiture regimes that allow governments to seize citizens’ assets, along with unexplained wealth orders — a type of court order that requires people to explain to a judge how they acquired funds — are often described as essential weapons in the battle against money laundering and profitable criminal activity, most notably illegal drug trafficking.

Faculty of Law
In defence of ADR in post-secondary complaints processes
June 21, 2024 —
Joel Lebois is the first graduate of the Master of Laws (LLM) program from the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Law to write his thesis entirely in French. Lebois is a proud Francophone and practicing lawyer in Manitoba. While working as in-house counsel at the University of Manitoba’s legal department, he realized that he wanted to deepen his knowledge of the law in the area of post-secondary institution complaints processes, and was drawn to the Robson Hall community, which would allow him to complete his degree in French.

Research and International
UM-led research paves way for climate adaptive food systems for Indigenous and marginalized groups
June 21, 2024 —
A diverse team of researchers spanning six continents and more than ten countries has received funding from the Government of Canada to improve access to culturally significant foods for disadvantaged communities around the world.

Faculty of Law
The Dimensions of Dr. Bryan Schwartz
June 12, 2024 —
Dr. Bryan Schwartz, K.C. has published five new books within the past 12 months, adding to a body of 36 books (17 authored or co-authored and 19 edited or contributed to) and 300 other publications that bear his name. Each of these five new works is vastly different from the other, reflecting the different aspects of life in which he fully participates as a scholar, professor, political analyst, poet, musician, devoted family member, and spiritual person.

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Recognizing faculty excellence
June 6, 2024 —
On May 21, over 30 faculty were recognized for exceptional teaching, research and service at a reception held at Marshall McLuhan in UMSU University Centre.

Faculty of Law
Justice in the Age of Agnosis examines sources of oppression and the role of ignorance
May 23, 2024 —
A new book edited by the UM Faculty of Law's dean, Dr. Richard Jochelson, with University of Regina Department of Justice colleague Dr. James Gacek, examines sources of oppression and the role of ignorance and where it might stem from. The book titled Justice in the Age of Agnosis: Socio-Legal Explorations of Denial, Deception, and Doubt, was published by Springer as part of the Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies book series, and includes chapters written by five other legal scholars affiliated with the Robson Hall-based law faculty.