Study News Archive

Apply for Work-Study!
August 1, 2024 —
The Work-Study program offers part-time, on-campus employment for students with financial need during the school year. Apply to the program to gain valuable work experience and skills related to your field right on campus!

Preparing for final exams
April 8, 2024 —
Focusing on your wellness as much as your studying during exam season can help ensure you are functioning at your best. Many resources can help you thrive and take care of yourself. Here are some suggestions:

Hire a student with Work-Study
June 16, 2023 —
Selected employers will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $1,700.00 per position at the end of the fiscal year.

Want anytime-anywhere access to UM Libraries digital content?
October 13, 2021 —
The Lean Library browser extension provides quick and simple access to digital content purchased by UM Libraries.

Working and studying at home green tips
March 31, 2020 —
Here are some simple sustainable tips to help you conserve energy, save money, and be more productive while you're at home!

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
Study shows PTSD link to binge eating
October 29, 2019 —
Individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) report a higher number of binge eating symptoms than individuals who were exposed to trauma but did not develop PTSD symptoms, says a study by University of Manitoba researchers

January Instagram Photo Contest
January 5, 2017 —
Where do you love to study on campus? Share photos of your favourite places to study in our January Instagram photo contest. Follow @umstudent on Instagram, post and tag your study space pics and you could win $25 at the Bookstore.