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UM Career News Archive

Job graphic with characters


Skills for Success: Invest in Yourself

December 13, 2024 — 
Are you looking for ways to improve on these most sought-after skills and make you more employable? Would you like to update the information on your resume? Want to distinguish yourself from other candidates for upcoming opportunities? There is no need to go elsewhere – BioTalent Canada has you covered!

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Discovering research opportunities at the Bannatyne campus

November 15, 2024 — 
Career Services, in collaboration with UM professors and researchers in various fields, is hosting Undergraduate Research Opportunities at Bannatyne Campus, a virtual information session for undergraduate students on November 28th. Students will learn essential information and can ask questions to researchers in fields such as neuroscience, cell biology, environmental epigenetics, physiology, immunology/virology, and epidemiology. In addition to answering questions and networking, you’ll learn how to find opportunities and apply for them.

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An aerial image of Fort Garry campus, looking south was people walk below.


Five tips to get involved with research as an undergraduate student

November 15, 2024 — 
There are so many ways to engage in research as an undergraduate student. If you are interested in research and potentially graduate school, it’s also never too early to start exploring program admissions – especially as you compare research/thesis vs. applied masters programs.  Unsure where to start as you define your goals, or what additional steps to take as you plan for success? Visit Career Services anytime throughout the year!

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Career Month graphic with characters reading


The Value of Volunteering!

November 4, 2024 — 
Are you looking for ways to give back to your community, meet friends who have similar interests and dig deeper into an area of interest? Volunteering is a great way to explore a variety of occupations, build your skills and learn more about the world of work.

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Career Month


Get ready for Career Month!

October 29, 2024 — 
By taking part in Career Month you can kick-start or boost your career planning and develop your career management skills. Sessions offered can help you: explore your career options, learn how to tailor your resumé or effectively utilize LinkedIn to support your job search.

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Work-study student and staff walking infront of the castle like buller building on the UM Fort Garry Campus


Apply for Work-Study!

August 1, 2024 — 
The Work-Study program offers part-time, on-campus employment for students with financial need during the school year. Apply to the program to gain valuable work experience and skills related to your field right on campus!

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Hire a Student with Work-Study

July 2, 2024 — 
Participating employers will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $1,700.00 per project/position at the end of the fiscal year.

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A person works on a computer with two monitor screens.


Get experience and get paid with Level Up!

May 28, 2024 — 
Level UP connects students with paid work opportunities and the opportunity to learn new skills.

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young adult and older adult reading together


Make a difference in older adults’ lives

March 5, 2024 — 
Are you an UM student who is passionate about making a difference in the lives of older adults? If so, consider becoming an Adult Companionship Service Provider!

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Students and ehibitors at the 2023 ASE Career Fair in the MPR


Attend the 2024 UM Career Fair

January 9, 2024 — 
The Career, Community and Experiential Learning Centre (CCELC) is so excited to welcome over 120 employers and educational institutions for the 2024 UM Annual Career Fair!

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