Centre for Healthcare Innovation News Archive

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
Early career researchers awarded CIHR fellowships for patient-oriented research
April 22, 2020 —
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) recently awarded fellowships to two Rady Faculty of Health Sciences researchers as part of a newly launched Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) – Transition to Leadership program.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
UM-led research team to study cannabis use for health concerns in children
April 20, 2020 —
A team led by researchers at the Rady Faculty have received a $1.5 million team grant to study the use of medical cannabis in children with cancer across Canada.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
CIHR supports UM researchers in quest to curtail rheumatoid arthritis in Indigenous populations
March 18, 2020 —
A Rady Faculty of Health Sciences research team was awarded $1.6 million dollars from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) for a multipronged project focused on rheumatoid arthritis in First Nations people that will include a clinical trial to see whether the combination of turmeric, omega-3 and vitamin D can reduce the risk of the autoimmune disease

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
Lower income alone predicts poorer health in Manitoba kids, study reveals
February 3, 2020 —
Study published in journal Pediatric Research finds strong association between lower income and health disadvantages in kids and teens

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
Study to test potato product’s effects on chronic kidney disease
January 28, 2020 —
Manitoba clinical trial will investigate whether supplement derived from raw potatoes has measurable benefit

Martha Donovan awardees ‘exemplify leadership potential’ among women in Rady Faculty
January 21, 2020 —
Twelve women in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences will have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills thanks to a newly established fund

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. George Yee Laboratory of Anatomical Sciences opens
October 24, 2019 —
The state-of-the-art Dr. George Yee Laboratory of Anatomical Sciences opened Oct. 18 on the Bannatyne campus, ushering in a new era of how human anatomy will be studied

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
Researchers team up across disciplines for Rady Innovation Fund projects
December 13, 2017 —
Three U of M research projects have received inaugural grants from the Rady Innovation Fund