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US Canada relations News Archive

A drone captures mineral exploration amidst forests of the Canadian Shield.

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

CBC Manitoba: Are Minerals Manitoba’s Secret Weapon Against U.S. Tariffs?

February 12, 2025 — 
Are minerals Manitoba’s Secret Weapon Against U.S. Tariffs?

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Wheat field with a big blue sky above.

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Western Producer: High-protein wheat expected to survive tariffs

January 20, 2025 — 
High-protein wheat classes such as Canadian Western Red Spring (CWRS) may survive the new world order of international trade.

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Dr. Yik Au

Asper School of Business

CBC Manitoba: Manitoba agri-food industry wary of potential trade war with U.S. as premiers close ranks

January 16, 2025 — 
Premier Kinew calls for 'Team Canada' long-term economic strategy

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