Visionary (re)Generation News Archive

Road renewal construction on Fort Garry campus has begun
May 29, 2020 —
Dafoe reconstruction will be the most impactful project of the 2020 road renewal work.

Redevelopment begins in eastern transportation corridor area
April 17, 2018 —
Project to include removal of decaying willows on Saunderson

Directors sought for the founding Board of UM Properties GP Inc.
November 3, 2017 —
Be part of a ‘once in a generation’ development opportunity as the Visionary (re)Generation Plan unfolds

New pedestrian and cycling infrastructure on Sidney Smith
August 29, 2017 —
A pedestrian path (1.5m wide) and bi-directional buffered bike lanes (3m wide) have been introduced on the west side of Sidney Smith Street, with vehicle traffic flowing northbound-only in this area.

Metro: Indigenous principles at core of University of Manitoba planning guide
October 4, 2016 —
The province's largest university is asking Indigenous communities to help envision a new campus.

Community open house for Visionary (re)Generation Master Plan
September 29, 2016 —
A milestone for the University of Manitoba will be celebrated at a community open house this Sept. 29-30

Visionary (re)Generation Master Plan for the Fort Garry campus approved
April 13, 2016 —
Open houses to present final document being planned for the fall

Prep for Southwest Transitway Corridor Phase 2 begins on Fort Garry campus
February 22, 2016 —
Includes clearing and replanting of trees in Southwood Lands

Community Stories
Walkabout: Inviting the community to explore
May 19, 2015 —
The U of M’s Office of Sustainability hosted a walking tour to showcase visionary, green projects on campus.

Latest Visionary (re)Generation draft concept to be presented
March 19, 2015 —
Community members invited to the open house on March 26