PERKS News Archive

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
Cayden Thomson elected PERKS’ President for 2018-19
March 23, 2018 —
The votes are in and Cayden Thomson has been elected as Physical Education Recreational Kinesiology Student Council (PERKS) president.

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
Body image can weigh heavy
March 8, 2018 —
University of Manitoba student Kaileigh Tod wants you to love your body—so much so she’s footing the bill to bring a body image documentary to the big screen to kickstart a conversation about the importance of loving the skin you’re in.

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
Instagram takeover student edition
November 24, 2017 —
Recreation Management major Courtney Gabrielle took over our Instagram to give our followers a glipse into the day in the life of a FKRM student on fieldwork placement.

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management
Laughing all the way to graduation
November 21, 2017 —
The Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation's student council are selling tickets to a stand-up comedy show to raise money for the class of 2018's graduation gala affair.