Cayden Thomson
Cayden Thomson elected PERKS’ President for 2018-19
The votes are in and Cayden Thomson has been elected Physical Education Recreational Kinesiology Student Council (PERKS) president-elect.
The third-year physical education student is excited to help build upon the momentum PERKS has been building over the last few years.
“We want to provide more professional development opportunities, maintain and upgrade student spaces, and continue to be a voice for FKRM students,” says Thomson.
Thomson will take over the PERKS presidential reins from Courtney Gabrielle, whose term as president ends in May.
Here’s a complete list of re-elected and new members of the PERKS Council for 2018-19:
President – Cayden Thomson
VP Physical Education – Matt Trudeau
VP Kinesiology – Kailegh Tod
VP Athletic Therapy – Ryan Singh
Secretary – Katya Mackling
Treasurer – Shannon Kleysen
Event Coordinator – Jared Gabrielle
Physical Education Rep – Braden Zborowsky
Kinesiology Rep – Kaitlyn Tymko
Athletic Therapy Rep – Shanlyn Parkhil
Recreation Rep – Madison WIlford
UMSU/Senate Rep – Amanada Slagerman
Fundraising Chair – Evan Krocker
Professional Development – Laura Lynn Brinkman
Recreation Rep – Janelle Bohunicky
VP Recreation Rep- Jenny Unrau