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Librarians News Archive



Never fear, librarians are here

February 12, 2025 — 
Whether you just don’t know where to start with doing research, want to learn to search more effectively, or need help finding an obscure document, reach out to one of the UM’s librarians.

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Rows of study carrels and bookshelf at Elizabeth Dafoe Library


10 holiday reading recommendations from UM Libraries

December 4, 2024 — 
After a busy term answering questions, helping you with your research, and directing you to library resources, UM Libraries staff recommend their favourite comfort reads to get you through a stressful exam season and help you relax during the Winter Holiday break.

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Students in the Elizabeth Dafoe Library


How libraries can help students’ writing

November 29, 2024 — 
When students think about the library, they may mostly think of stacks or a quiet study space, but the library is also a great place to find support when preparing written assignments. In fact, librarians themselves play an important role in supporting students with their academic writing.

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