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anti-racism News Archive

Two Black students smiling, at the Asper School of Business

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Black Flourishing at UM

January 29, 2025 — 
From bookclubs and podcasts to keynote speeches and panel discussions, the 2024-25 Promoting Black Flourishing Fund showcase the creativity and diversity of the Black community at UM.

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laptop and papers showing graphs and statistical information

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Data for Justice

January 20, 2025 — 
The Data Justice series will feature presentations and panel discussions on how data can be leveraged to identify systemic inequities and support actions that reduce barriers and narrow gaps for marginalized people. It aims to spark meaningful conversations and encourage the UM community to critically explore the role of data in shaping a more equitable future.

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Black student holds phone at Fort Garry campus

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Applications open for the 2024 Promoting Black Flourishing Fund

October 7, 2024 — 
The Promoting Black Flourishing Fund supports initiatives led by Black members of the UM Community and Black UM-affiliated groups and organizations that support the objectives of The Scarborough Charter, and advances anti-racism at the University of Manitoba. The fund is currently accepting applications until October 25, 2024.

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colourful graphic of silhouette people

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Creating space for understanding and complexity

March 21, 2024 — 
Today, on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we are pleased to share upcoming opportunities for meaningful dialogue that advances mutual respect and compassion for all people. The Listening, Learning, Leading series, organized by the Office of Equity Transformation, aims to build foundations for understanding, beyond polarization.

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An illustration of simplified people in a variety of colours standing in a crowd.

Listening, Learning, Leading: A strategy and series to create opportunities for greater understanding

February 6, 2024 — 
Moving beyond polarization to build foundations for dialogue

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Close up of a letter-board sign with letters spelling ‘Black Lives Matter’ held by a Black man.

Faculty of Arts

‘It’s not just a moment’

January 25, 2024 — 
Warren Clarke tells a story about a moment in early childhood when he excitedly expressed that he wanted to become a bus driver. His dad, who’d come to visit, got visibly upset. As much as he didn’t understand at the time, he says he’s thought through this moment in light of his current position as a professor, and with the knowledge he now has.

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A series of framed photos of people who have died from overdoses were perched on the steps of the Manitoba Legislature to mark Overdose Awareness Day. (Alana Cole/CBC)

CBC Manitoba: Families in Winnipeg, Brandon call for safe drug supply and end to stigma on Overdose Awareness Day

September 1, 2023 — 
Families in Winnipeg, Brandon call for safe drug supply and end to stigma on Overdose Awareness Day

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Dr. Marcia Anderson

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Canadian Press: Anti-racism policies in health care should be led by Indigenous staff: report

April 4, 2023 — 
As the Canadian Press reports: More Indigenous practitioners are needed to address systemic racism, but that can’t happen without a supportive education system that also envisions them in leadership roles, says a report commissioned by Health Canada and touted as the first comprehensive review of the health-care workforce.

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Participate in the ‘Recognizing Anti-Black Racism’ survey

February 10, 2023 — 
University of Manitoba Black Alliance (UMBA) seeks input from UM students, staff and faculty

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We signed the Scarborough Charter — now what?

February 5, 2023 — 
Attend the Black History Month keynote and panel event

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