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Honouring Our Indigenous Campus Community News Archive

Angie Bruce wearing a black jacket and fuchsia top and wearing beaded earrings.

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Times Higher Education: What Indigenous knowledge brings to higher education

December 19, 2024 — 
What Indigenous knowledge brings to higher education

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Spirit of the Bison Performer - hoop dancer

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

CBC Manitoba: 4th Spirit of the Bison returns to University of Manitoba

November 25, 2024 — 
4th Spirit of the Bison returns to University of Manitoba

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A group of students, staff and faculty members stand in front of a white wall, wrapped in Star Blankets.


Honouring our Indigenous Campus Community celebrates 2024 honourees

June 20, 2024 — 
Each year, Indigenous Engagement and Communications and the Office of the Vice-President (Indigenous) recognize the efforts and achievements of the inspiring people that are working to make the University of Manitoba a better place. On June 20, ten student, staff and faculty honourees were recognized for their exceptional contributions at the 2024 Honouring our Indigenous Campus Community recognition ceremony.

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CBC Unreserved: Claiming space in the Great Outdoors

February 20, 2024 — 
Claiming space in the Great Outdoors

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A man is wrapped in a star blanket by two Elders at a recognition ceremony.


Call for nominations: Honouring our Indigenous Campus Community

February 2, 2024 — 
The Office of the Vice-President (Indigenous) is delighted to once again offer an opportunity to honour and celebrate the members of the Indigenous campus community at UM that are working each day to make a difference at this university.  In its eighth year, the Honouring our Indigenous Campus Community recognition ceremony is a celebration of the outstanding achievements and contributions of Indigenous students, faculty and support staff across UM campuses. 

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Eight of ten of the 2023 Honouring Our Indigenous Campus Community honourees stand with UM Vice-President (Indigenous) Dr. Catherine Cook and UM President Dr. Michael Benarroch. The honourees are wrapped in Star Blankets and they are all standing outside in front of some trees.


Indigenous students, staff and faculty are celebrated at the 2023 Honouring Our Indigenous Campus Community recognition ceremony

June 20, 2023 — 
Members and allies of the Indigenous campus community at the University of Manitoba gathered today to celebrate 10 outstanding students, staff and faculty at the 2023 Honouring Our Indigenous Campus Community recognition ceremony.  Each year, Indigenous Engagement and Communications and the Office of the Vice-President (Indigenous) recognize the efforts and achievements of the inspiring people that are working to make the University a better place. 

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