chancellor News Archive

Chancellor Mahon re-elected to second term
April 6, 2022 —
Passionate champion of UM begins second term on June 1

Chancellor addresses graduates
June 15, 2021 —
'You are extraordinary students, forged during extraordinary times'

Wpg Free Press: U of M’s new chancellor Anne Mahon determined to make a difference
November 12, 2019 —
For Anne Mahon, it boils down to a question of faith.

Wpg Sun: U of M Chancellor to act as moderator for Michelle Obama talk
September 16, 2019 —
University of Manitoba Chancellor, author and self-professed “proud Winnipegger” Anne Mahon wil serve as moderator for A Conversation with Former First Lady Michelle Obama at Bell MTS Place on Sept. 24, the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce announced Friday

A pledge to ‘listen and engage’
June 3, 2019 —
University of Manitoba welcomes its 14th Chancellor, Anne Mahon

Top stories of 2018
December 21, 2018 —
Another amazing year reaches its conclusion at the University of Manitoba

University of Manitoba elects new chancellor
November 20, 2018 —
Winnipeg writer and philanthropist Anne Mahon named University’s 14th chancellor