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NDP government News Archive

Dr. Yik Au

Asper School of Business

680 CJOB: Can Manitoba really have a balanced budget in a couple of years?

December 19, 2024 — 
Can Manitoba really have a balanced budget in a couple of years?

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Paul Thomas

Faculty of Arts

The Canadian Press: Manitoba government’s deficit-cutting path not clear, political analyst says

December 18, 2024 — 
Manitoba government's deficit-cutting path not clear, political analyst says

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Dr. Christopher Adams, rector of St. Paul's College. Photo taken December 15, 2021 (University of Manitoba)

Faculty of Arts

CBC Manitoba: Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew brings 3 new ministers into cabinet in minor shuffle

November 15, 2024 — 
Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew brings 3 new ministers into cabinet in minor shuffle

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Dr. Christopher Adams, rector of St. Paul's College. Photo taken December 15, 2021 (University of Manitoba)

Faculty of Arts

The Canadian Press: Wab Kinew sees work still to do despite year-long honeymoon with voters

October 3, 2024 — 
Wab Kinew sees work still to do despite year-long honeymoon with voters

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Photo credit: JESSICA LEE / FREE PRESS FILES Brandon Trask is an assistant law professor at the University of Manitoba and a former prosecutor.

Faculty of Law

Winnipeg Free Press: ‘Awkward to have a foot in both worlds’ Loyalty, potential conflicts called key issues when government backbencher is defence lawyer

September 20, 2024 — 
‘Awkward to have a foot in both worlds’ Loyalty, potential conflicts called key issues when government backbencher is defence lawyer

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