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Registration revision period News Archive

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Winter Registration – What to know about the Add/Drop deadline

January 10, 2025 — 
Did you change your mind about a course? Have you realized that the class you’re in is not for you? Don’t worry there is still time for you to rearrange your Winter Term schedule

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Remember – Fall Term Revision Period ends this week!

September 18, 2023 — 
You are able to alter your course registrations without any academic or financial penalties until the end of the revision period.

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A group of students walking on a cross walk in front of the Admin building towards UMSU University Centre


Understanding the registration revision period

August 31, 2023 — 
During the revision period, changes can still be made to your course registrations without any academic or financial penalties.

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A drawing of hands moving courses around.


Understanding the registration revision period

September 14, 2021 — 
The registration revision period is the first two weeks of classes in the Fall and Winter Terms. During this period, changes can still be made to your course registrations without any academic or financial penalties.

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A computer sits on a desk with Aurora on the screen. In the background there is a collection of books from a variety of University classes.


The Registration Revision Period: an opportunity to change your mind

May 3, 2021 — 
Take advantage of the Registration Revision Period to add and remove courses as you need to, so that you can create a timetable that suits your needs.

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