UMCareer News Archive

Discover your future in healthcare
January 25, 2022 —
Do you have passion for science and an interest in helping others? If so, you may want to consider a career in the field of healthcare.

Looking for job opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic
April 9, 2020 —
Job search is hard work, there’s no denying it, especially right now. Career Services can help. Check out our website to learn more about the resources we offer to support you.

Recruiters to the rescue
February 3, 2020 —
Working with recruiters can turn your job search experience into a positive one, if you clearly understand how recruiters work and how you can help them help you.

Six ways to uncover the hidden job market
November 15, 2019 —
Complement your studies with these strategies and start early

Six suggestions to improve work-life balance
November 14, 2019 —
Recognizing that a manageable workload for one may be overwhelming for another, here are six suggestions to assist in managing the demands of work, school and life

Career Month 2019
October 31, 2019 —
Whether you have a clear idea of your career direction or you’re still trying to figure things out, Career Month events are a great way to make connections that will move your career plans forward.

Career Fair 2019 will bring over 100 employers to campus
January 7, 2019 —
The Career Fair is an excellent opportunity to learn how the knowledge, skills and attributes you are developing in your classwork and co-curricular activities can link to a multitude of occupations