UMFM News Archive

Get UM winter-active
January 24, 2023 —
Free cross-country skiing, fat-tire biking, snow-shoeing and winter walks for Jack Frost Challenge

Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Architecture launches new Podcast to celebrate ideas, design and culture
October 15, 2020 —
PRAIRIE DESIGN LAB a podcast on ideas, design, and culture by the Faculty of Architecture University of Manitoba and Terry MacLeod

U of M and UMFA reach tentative agreement
August 31, 2017 —
Tentative four-year agreement until 2021

Opening the door to creativity
January 17, 2017 —
A new monthly event from 101.5 UMFM will provide an insider's view into permanent art collections, current exhibitions and works in progress from various campus groups

UMFM seeks funding increase through referendum campaign
February 23, 2016 —
The station is seeking a $1.50 fee increase on students' fees per term