#UManitoba2019 News Archive

Extended Education
Celebrating LIVE with our grads
October 23, 2019 —
"My mom and dad, are absolutely overjoyed to be here in the stands cheering me on so it’s going to be a great day for everybody," - Matt MacRae

Extended Education
Believe in yourself and you’ll find a way
October 22, 2019 —
“If I had one choice in my life, and I had unlimited money, I would just spend my entire life as a student, just learning. Do it. It’s one of the greatest things you’ll ever do in your life.” - Matt MacRae

Extended Education
Cheering on our grads
June 24, 2019 —
“It was a long journey, working full-time and going to school. I'm excited to be done."- Bonnie Murray, Certificate in Applied Counselling grad

Extended Education
Grandmother from Sagkeeng earns education degree
May 28, 2019 —
“Keep on learning, in every moment. My grandmother was my greatest teacher. She always said watch what’s around you, be kind to people, and pay attention.” - Victoria McIntosh

Extended Education
Celebrating student success
May 21, 2019 —
“I am immensely proud of you. Your alma mater is very proud of you. Much is expected of you.” - Emőke Szathmáry