academic advisors News Archive

Nominations for Advising Excellence Award open for summer 2023
April 19, 2023 —
For the past three years, outstanding academic and student advisors have been recognized with the Advising Excellence Award. For 2022, now is the time for candidates to enter submissions — with a new deadline of Aug. 31

An update on the AURORA for Advisors project
April 13, 2021 —
Aurora for Advisors has been in development for about 12 months. If you use Aurora Self Service today to perform tasks or access information in students’ records, this refresh will modernize how information is displayed and how you navigate the system.

Aurora Self Service Temporary Shut Down
January 29, 2021 —
Aurora Self Service is undergoing a maintenance shut down to support the upgrade of Banner Document Management Friday, February 19th from 5:00 pm CST to February 21st 8:00 pm CST. Please mark these dates in your calendar and plan ahead!

Banner Administration pages upgrade coming soon
December 17, 2020 —
Banner Administration Pages will be upgraded to the latest version of the system from Friday, January 8 from 4:30 pm CST to –10 at 9:00 am CST, 2021. This upgrade will focus on enhancing the quality of the administration pages

Why you should reach out to an advisor in the virtual world
July 7, 2020 —
UM’s academic advisors, like all of us, have had to make big changes to adapt to the virtual world. Advising is more than one meeting, it’s about student progression from the beginning to the end of their academic journey – it’s meant to help deepen students’ knowledge of their degree programs. An academic advisor can help you at any point of your journey to help guide you to academic success.

Banner enhancement program
March 10, 2020 —
The University of Manitoba has embarked on an initiative to refresh the Aurora experience by developing a foundation to support new capabilities for an improved student and staff experience

UM Achieve FAQs for Students
November 4, 2019 —
UM Achieve is a software that you can access through JUMP, which allows you to look at the courses you’ve taken so far, and analyze where you can go from here. We’ve broken down some of the most asked questions about UM Achieve

On campus vs. distance courses – what’s the difference?
June 10, 2019 —
As we near the start of Fall and Winter registration, we encourage students to consider what their upcoming schedules will look like

Top 3 things to know as you transition from 1st year to 2nd year
May 13, 2019 —
Congratulations! You’ve made it through your first year of university! This is a great accomplishment.

Prepare now for next term
April 3, 2018 —
We know you haven’t left yet, but maybe it’s time to start thinking about next term