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Transforming the Learning Experience News Archive

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Apply for a $10,000 grant to create, adapt and adopt OER

August 18, 2023 — 
Apply for a $10,000 grant to create, adapt and adopt OER

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Two females sitting across from each other on plush chairs, one holding a notebook and pen, engaged in conversation.

Faculty of Arts

Clinical psychology graduate program to double

August 2, 2023 — 
On July 21, the Province of Manitoba announced it will invest $412,000 to double the number of seats in the clinical psychology graduate program beginning in fall 2024. This is the first significant increase in student seats to this program in decades and will do much to help fill the urgent need for clinical psychologists in Manitoba.

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Prairie soils and crops facility rendering

UM’s new prairie crops and soils research facility poised to be a global leader in the agri-food sector

July 25, 2023 — 
UM’s Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences is poised to take its place on the global stage, boost economic growth in Canada, while enhancing food security and agricultural sustainability across the world.

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Three Teaching Café attendees having a discussion.

Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning

You can do it! Empowering students through experiential learning

July 24, 2023 — 
The benefits to students of experiential learning are known to be wide-ranging and life changing. At this year’s May 3 Teaching Café, “Journeys into Experiential Learning,” four UM panelists shared a variety of time-tested approaches that empower students, provide them with autonomy and real-world skills, and help them to recognize and reflect upon failure as a valuable learning tool.

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Harnessing AI’s creative potential

July 24, 2023 — 
Step into the fascinating world of music composition, where Örjan Sandred, Professor of Composition at Desautels Faculty of Music, is revolutionizing the creative process with the aid of AI.

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image of someone taking notes as a person checks off a list on a board

UM gets more than $400,000 to double seats in clinical psychology program

July 21, 2023 — 
A $412,000 investment by the Manitoba government will see the number of seats in the doctoral clinical psychology training program double at UM.

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UM selected to participate in national research data management workshop

July 20, 2023 — 
UM selected to participate in national research data management workshop

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illustration of robot and human holding hands

Strange new tech world? We have courses for that.

July 17, 2023 — 
Five courses teaching students how to think about and apply technology in new ways so that we can make sure the cows are happy and the machines don’t toy with our emotions.

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people in workshop looking at airplane parts

Price Faculty of Engineering

Winnipeg Mayor visits engineering student teams

July 11, 2023 — 
Winnipeg Mayor, Scott Gillingham paid a visit to the Price Faculty of Engineering on Saturday, July 8, 2023. The goal of the visit was to talk to students on the UMSAE teams and learn about what they do. He also got the unexpected opportunity to be strapped into the Baja vehicle and took a ride around the parking lot!


WATCH: Take a tour of UM’s futuristic ‘smart suite’

July 6, 2023 — 
Tour the College of Rehabilitation Sciences' recently developed "smart suite."

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