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architecture News Archive

Dominico presenting via zoom

Faculty of Architecture

Faculty of Architecture students excel in Undergraduate Research Posters

January 31, 2022 — 
Environmental Design students have earned first, second and third place awards for their submissions to the Undergraduate Research Poster Competition in the Creative Works category.


Overhead view of a forest with green leaves

Faculty of Architecture

Alumni donation sparks Indigenous Success Fund

January 28, 2022 — 
A generous donation from the family of Laura Fyles (B.I.D./1993) and Brent Whitby (B.E.S./1990, M.Arch./1994) initiates Faculty of Architecture Indigenous Success Fund

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Faculty of Architecture

Meet Andria Langi, 2021 Manitoba Association of Architects Medal recipient and Saba Mirhosseini, 2021-2022 Manitoba Association of Architects Recruitment Award recipient

January 11, 2022 — 
Each year, the Manitoba Association of Architects offers a scholarship to attract excellent students to pursue graduate studies in Architecture at the University of Manitoba and a convocation medal to the graduate student with the best Comprehensive Design project or thesis. 


Faculty of Architecture

Archimagination – Architecture faculty, students and alumni contribute to the 2021 Venice Biennale

December 13, 2021 — 
How will we live together? – This was the question posed by the 17th International Architecture Biennale, which ran from May 22 to November 21, 2021, in Venice and virtual venues. While the pandemic and related crises keep pushing people apart, this forum fostered ways of imagining a more livable world together.


Beige image with pens and pencils reading: "Faculty of Architecture writing tutor."

Faculty of Architecture

FAUM Announces Faculty Writing Tutor

November 1, 2021 — 
The Faculty of Architecture is pleased to announce that it will provide its students with the opportunity to work with an in-house academic writing tutor.

Faculty of Architecture

Experiential learning thrives in the Faculty of Architecture

October 22, 2021 — 
Faculty of Architecture Summer 2021 Co-op/I Report

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Faculty of Architecture

Graphic Scores

October 7, 2021 — 
In collaboration with the School of Music, Master of Interior Design students create a composition and performance of a piece of music by utilizing techniques and structures of contemporary music such as unconventional performance and vocal techniques, modified instruments and sound sources other than conventional musical instruments.

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Two co-op students stand in a workshop.

Faculty of Architecture

From School to Site and Workshop: Summer Co-op with Holz Construction

October 1, 2021 — 
Transitioning from design school to design practice just got a whole lot easier for Cooperative Education students Brooke de Rocquigny and Carmen Huang.


Sean standing in the Public City office.

Faculty of Architecture

Detailing a more Public City: Interview with Co-op Student Sean Vandekerkhove

September 28, 2021 — 
While the pandemic forced many people to retreat to private domains over the last two summers, some design students and professionals have been working extra hard to keep the city and city life more inclusively and beautifully public.


Professional touches virtual building

Extended Education

Building Information Modeling is a process not a software

September 14, 2021 — 
“BIM is not a software. It is a process. We need to upskill humans in the management of this process. They can’t simply rely on technology. It changes.” - David Thompson

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