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Faculty of Graduate Studies
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Faculty of Graduate Studies News Archive

Karli Rapinda

Faculty of Graduate Studies News

2021 Vanier Scholar: Karli Rapinda

July 15, 2021 — 
We spoke with Karli Rapinda, one of this year’s recipients, to talk about her research, studying at UM and more.

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Daniel Araujo

Faculty of Graduate Studies News

2021 Vanier Scholar: Daniel Araujo

July 15, 2021 — 
The University of Manitoba is proud to welcome four Vanier Scholars.

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Anne Manson

Faculty of Graduate Studies News

2021 Vanier Scholar: Anne Manson

July 15, 2021 — 
The University of Manitoba is proud to welcome four Vanier Scholars

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Felicia Masenu

Faculty of Graduate Studies News

2021 Vanier Scholar: Felicia Masenu

July 15, 2021 — 
The University of Manitoba is proud to welcome four Vanier Scholars.

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Left to right: Vanier Scholars - Felicia Masenu, Karli Rapinda, Daniel Arujo, Anne Manson and Banting Fellows - Lauren Kepkiewicz, Phil Grayson

Banting Fellows and Vanier Scholars awarded to UM

July 15, 2021 — 
UM welcomes two Banting Postdoctoral Fellows to its ranks and congratulates four doctoral students on receiving Vanier Scholarships

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Joshua Okyere

Faculty of Graduate Studies News

PhD student Joshua Okyere named Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholar

July 5, 2021 — 
Joshua Okyere, a PhD student in the peace and conflict studies (PACS) program, qualified as a finalist for the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship and Engaged Leadership program. After a rigorous selection process and competing with 102 semi-finalists, he has now been named one of this year’s 15 Scholars across Canada.

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A photo of the Convocation stage in the Investors group athletic center, at the Fort Garry Campus.

How to virtually celebrate 2021 Spring Convocation

June 11, 2021 — 
It's time to celebrate your hard work and achievements! We encourage you to share your best UM photos and memories on social media


Students News

Spring Convocation: Meet the class of 2021 (part 2)

June 11, 2021 — 
Meet some of the incredible members of the University of Manitoba’s class of 2021, who will graduate during Spring Convocation, June 15-17, on UM’s new virtual event platform

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Person in grad gown holding degree

Students News

Spring Convocation: Meet the class of 2021

June 7, 2021 — 
These students have shown resiliency and strength, and are positioned to shape our world like no class before them


Bryden Bukich stands in front of UM's Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

Students News

Apply now for an Alumni Association Scholarship

May 31, 2021 — 
Throughout his five years in university, Alumni Association Community Leadership Scholarship recipient Bryden Bukich has been interested in volunteer activities where he can make change. Passionate about Indigenous health, he has sought out leadership roles that support people who experience systemic marginalization.

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