10 top stories for a newsworthy 2024
A curated list of the stories that drew readers to UM Today this year.
Established in 1999 as our province’s highest honour, the Order of Manitoba recognizes individual excellence and achievement that benefit Manitoba and its residents. University of Manitoba alumni, including pediatrician June James, business leader Hartley Richardson, former Assembly of First Nations national chief Phil Fontaine, curler Jennifer Jones, and novelist Miriam Toews, are contributing to the economic, social and cultural well-being of Manitoba.
In alphabetical order
* = deceased
Mrs. Elaine G. Ali, OM [BA/1974]
Mr. Chad Allan, OM [BSc/1967]
Mr. David B. Angus, OM [BComm(Hons)/1982]
Dr. Gail S. Asper, OC, OM [BA/1981, LLB/1984, LLD/2008]
Dr. Israel H. Asper*, OC, OM [BA/1953, LLB/1957, LLM/1964, LLD/1998]
Dr. N. Lloyd Axworthy PC, CC, OM [BA/1961, LLD/2004]
Miss Norma E. Bailey, OM [BES/1971]
Mr. Leonard A. Bateman, CM, OM, Peng [BSc(EE)/1942, MSC/1948]
Dr. Robert E. Beamish*, CM, OM [MD/1942, BSc(Med)/1944, DSC/1989]
Ms. Karen S. Beaudin, OM [BA/1992, BSW/2011]
Miss S. Heather Bishop, OM [BID/1989]
Dr. Marjorie B. Blankstein, CM, OM [BA/1950, LLD/2014]
Dr. John Bock, OM [BA/1961, BEd/1961, MEd/1970]
Dr. Robert B. Brennan, OM [CA/1966, LLD/2012]
Dr. James W. Burns, OC, OMM, MSM, CD (Ret’d) [BComm/1951, LLD/1987]
Mr. Selwyn R. Burrows, OM [BA/1965]
Sr. Therese Champagne*, OM [Bes A/1977]
The Honourable Saul M. Cherniack, PC, CM, OM [LLB/1939]
Dr. Harvey M. Chochinov, OC, OM [MD/1983, PhD/1998]
Mrs. Pauline E. Clarke, OM [MEd/1985]
Dr. Dian N. Cohen, CM, OM [LLD/2000]
Dr. James E. Coyne*, OM [BA(Hons)/1931, LLD/1961]
Mr. Charles E. Curtis, OM [CA/1955]
Dr. Rayleen V. M. De Luca, CM, OM [MA/1981, PhD/1985]
Dr. Arthur A. DeFehr, OC, OM [BComm/1964, LLD/1998]
Dr. Thomas R. Denton, OM [LLD/2017]
His Excellency Gary A. Doer, OM [LLD/2010]
Dr. Francis P. Doyle*, CM, OM [BSc/1943]
Dr. Joseph N. Du*, CM, OM [LLD/2014]
Dr. W. Yvon Dumont, CM, OM [LLD/1996]
Dr. Albert El Tassi, CM, OM [LLD/2013]
Dr. Ivan K. Eyre, CM, OM [BFA/1957, LLD/2008]
The Honourable Gary A. Filmon, PC, OM, OC, LLD [BSc(CE)/1964, MSC/1967, LLD/2011]
The Honourable Janice C. Filmon, CM, OM [BScHEc/1963, LLD/2011]
Dr. L. Philip Fontaine, OC, OM [BA/1981, LLD/2010]
Mr. Reginald E. Forbes, OM [BSA/1949]
Mr. Waldron N. Fox-Decent, CM, CD, OM [BA(Hons)/1959, MA/1971]
Mr. Arnold Frieman, OM [BA/1960]
Dr. Albert D. Friesen, OM [BSc(Hons)/1969, MSC/1971, PhD/1982]
Dr. David G. Friesen, OM [BA/1969, LLD/2004]
Dr. Henry G. Friesen, CC, OM [MD/1958, BSc(Med)/1958, DSC/1998]
Dr. Etienne J. Gaboury, CM, OM [BA(LatPh)/1953, BArch/1958, LLD/1987]
The Honourable Dr. Raymonde I. Gagné, CM, OM, Senator [Bes A/1976, Cert en Ed/1977]
Dr. Helen P. Glass*, OC, OM [Cert Nurs(T&S)/1958]
Mrs. Yhetta M. Gold, CM, OM [BA/1950]
Mrs. Irene E. Grant*, OM [BPed/1969]
Dr. Monty Hall, OC, OM [BSc/1946, LLD/1987]
Dr. Evelyn A. Hart, CC, OM [LLD/1989]
The Honourable John Harvard*, PC, OM [LLD/2005]
Mr. George N. Heshka, OM [BSc/1960, Cert Ed/1968, BEd/1970]
The Right Honourable Chief Justice Benjamin Hewak, OM [BA/1956, LLB/1960, LLD/2003]
Ms. Betty Hopkins, OM [BScHEc/1953]
Dr. Clara Hughes, OC, OM [LLD/2006]
Dr. Israel I. Idonije, OM [LLD/2014]
Mr. John A. Jack, OM [BA/1976, BEd/1978]
Dr. June M. James, OM [BSc/1963, MD/1967, BSc(Med)/1967]
Mr. Edwin F. Jebb, OM [BA/1973]
Dr. Jennifer J. Jones, OM [BA/1996, LLB/1999, LLD/2017]
Dr. Sol Kanee*, OC, OM [BA/1929, LLD/1974]
Mr. Sam M. Katz, OM [BA/1973]
Dr. Kevin P. Kavanagh, CM, OM [BComm/1953, LLD/1990]
Dr. Verna J. Kirkness, CM, OM [BA/1974, BEd/1976, MEd/1980, LLD/2008]
Dr. Cindy Klassen, OM [LLD/2006]
Mrs. Crystal M. Kolt, OM [BMus(MusEd)/1983]
Dr. Wanda M. Koop, CM, OM [DipArt/1973, LLD/2009]
The Honourable Philip S. Lee, CM, OM [BSc/1966, LLD/2011]
Dr. H. Susan Lewis, CM, OM [BA/1969, LLD/2016]
The Honourable Peter M. Liba*, CM, OM [LLD/2001]
Dr. Wesley C. Lorimer*, OM [LLD/1982]
The Honourable Mr. Justice Sterling R. Lyon*, OC, OM [BA/1948, LLB/1953]
Mr. Roland F. Mahe, OM [DipArt/1964, BFA/1970]
Dr. Arthur V. Mauro, OC, QC, OM [BA/1949, LLB/1953, LLM/1956, LLD/1987]
The Honourable Pearl K. McGonigal, CM, OM [LLD/1983]
The Honourable William J. McKeag*, CM, OM [BComm/1949, LLD/1977]
Dr. Loreena McKennitt, CM, OM [LLD/2005]
Mr. Ovide W. Mercredi, OM [LLB/1977]
Mr. Arthur K. Miki, CM, OM [BEd/1969, MEd/1975]
Dr. Leo Mol*, OC, OM [LLD/1988]
The Honourable Alfred M. Monnin*, OC, OM [BA(LatPh)/1939, LLB/1946, LLD/1979]
Dr. Arnold Naimark, OC, OM [MD/1957, BSc(Med)/1957, MSC/1960]
Dr. William Norrie*, CM, OM, QC, LLD [BA/1950, LLB/1955, LLD/1993]
Mr. David S. Northcott, CM, OM [ExtEd/2001]
Dr. Sylvia Ostry, CC, OM [LLD/1986]
Dr. Reynaldo D. Pagtakhan, OM [MSC/1969]
The Honourable Howard R. Pawley*, PC, OC, OM, QC [BA/1957, LLB/1961]
Dr. P. James E. Peebles, OM [BSc(Hons)/1958, DSC/1989]
The Honourable Roland Penner, CM, OM, QC [BA/1949, LLB/1961]
Dr. Francis A. Plummer, OC, OM [MD/1976]
Mr. J. Raymond Poirier, CM, OM [BA/1973]
Dr. Brian D. Postl, OM [MD/1976]
Mrs. Sophia O. Rabliauskas, OM [BHECOL/1999]
Mrs. Pamela B. Rebello, OM [Cert Ed/1970, BPed/1974, MEd/1989]
Dr. Strinivasan Reddy, CM, OM [BEd/1974, MEd/1981, LLD/2013]
Dr. George T. Richardson*, CM, OM [BComm/1946, LLD/1969]
Dr. Hartley T. Richardson, OC, OM [BComm(Hons)/1977, LLD/2004]
Dr. Kathleen M. Richardson, CC, OM [BA/1949, LLD/1989]
Dr. Donald A. Robertson, OM [LLD/2007]
The Honourable Duff Roblin*, CC, OM [LLD/1967]
Dr. Allan R. Ronald, OC, OM [MD/1961, BSc(Med)/1961, DSC/2011]
Ms. Leonore M. Saunders, OM [BPT/1972]
The Honourable Edward R. Schreyer, PC, CC, OM [BA/1960, BEd/1962, MA/1963, LLD/1979]
Mrs. Corrine J. Scott, OM [BComm(Hons)/1980]
The Honourable Richard J. Scott, OC, OM [BA/1959, LLB/1963, LLD/2000]
Dr. Evelyn Shapiro*, CM, OM [LLD/2000]
Dr. Carol Shields*, CC, OM [DLITT/2003]
Mr. Robert I. Silver, OM [BSc/1970]
Ms. Bernadette M. Smith [ExtEd/2008]
Dr. Muriel A. Smith, OC, OM [BA/1950, BA(Hons)/1951, MEd/1975, BEd/1975, LLD/2009]
Mr. Murray R. Smith*, OM [BA/1950, BEd/1956, MEd/1979]
Mr. Roger M. Smith*, OM [BSc/1940]
Dr. Arnold Spohr*, CC, OM [LLD/1970]
Dr. Baldur R. Stefansson*, OC, OM [BSA/1950, MSC/1952, PhD/1966, DSC/1997]
Dr. Maurice F. Strong, OM [LLD/1975]
Dr. Emőke J. E. Szathmáry, CC, OM [LLD/2015]
Dr. Paul G. Thomas, OM [BA(Hons)/1966, MA/1968]
Mrs. Deborah A. Thorlakson, OM [BN/1975, MEd/1989]
Dr. Miriam H. Toews, OM [BA/1989]
Dr. Bramwell Tovey, OM [LLD/1999]
Dr. Elizabeth Jane Ursel, OM [BA/1969, MA/1971]
Mr. Keith W. Ursel, OM [BA/1982]
Mrs. Josephine L. Wright, OM [BA/1955]
Ms. Doris S. Young, OM [BA(Hons)/1982]
A curated list of the stories that drew readers to UM Today this year.
With profound sadness the Faculty of Law mourns the passing of Justice Richard Scott, O.C., O.M., K.C., a towering figure in Manitoba’s legal community. Justice Scott, who served as Chief Justice of the Manitoba Court of Appeal for 22 years until his retirement in 2013, passed away on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at the age of 86.
The Certificate of Merit is presented by the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and the School of Agriculture in recognition of leadership with agricultural organizations and outstanding service to the community at large.