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experiential learning News Archive

Asper School of Business

Journeys to success

July 15, 2024 — 
In 2023, over 100 Asper School of Business students participated in the international exchange program. Spanning continents, disciplines and universities, these are just a few snapshots of the Asper School of Business exchange experience.

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A woman giving a presentation in front of screen.

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Strategic Initiatives Support Fund projects generate momentum for UM’s strategic mission

July 11, 2024 — 
The Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) is pleased to announce 35 projects awarded funding, totaling over $2.2 million, through the Strategic Initiatives Support Fund (SISF). As the newly funded projects get underway, many projects from last year’s SISF fund have been completed. Read about three examples of impact from the SISF 2023-2024.

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Traditional healer marks a student's face with red fruit.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Pharmacy student learns about traditional medicine from Ecuador experts

July 9, 2024 — 
Kichwa healers and midwives share their knowledge, offer cultural insights

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Asper School of Business

Applied Business Consulting course an opportunity to earn credit by consulting with real businesses

July 9, 2024 — 
The business world doesn’t follow a syllabus. Assignments change with client needs, and a consultant’s success is measured not by a grade, but by their ability to uncover, understand and respond to those needs. Students learn this firsthand in the Asper School of Business’ unique experiential learning course, IDM 4050: Applied Business Consulting. While students are supported by their classroom learning—a thorough study of business theory and practice in their BComm—IDM 4050 challenges them to think about how they will use this knowledge to manage client relationships consult real businesses and not-for-profits.

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Left to right: Lisa Haydey, The Honourable Glen Simard, Kassandra Taverner

Faculty of Law

Legislature’s Arts & Culture Day a learning opportunity for UM arts legal clinic summer students

July 8, 2024 — 
On May 30, 2024, law students from the Manitoba Legal Clinic for the Arts attended Arts & Culture Day at the Legislature, hosted by Manitobans for the Arts. This marked the first time in eight years that the event was held, bringing together lawmakers, artists, arts and culture organizations, and arts supporters. The law students had the unique opportunity to connect with many of the amazing individuals who contribute to Manitoba’s vibrant arts scene.

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Chris and Casey smiling at the camera at the soil reader field.

Faculty of Science

General Science Internship Program (GSIP)

July 6, 2024 — 
Work-integrated learning (WIL) has become fundamental to the Canadian educational experience, equipping students with practical skills and experience necessary for success in the workforce. The Faculty of Science is excited to offer a brand-new work integrated program to students in the B.Sc. General degree program.

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Instructor Snehil Dua

Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning

Bringing work-integrated learning into the classroom with Dr. Snehil Dua

July 2, 2024 — 
The hot lunch project is one of many ways that Dr. Snehil Dua incorporates Experiential Learning (EL) into her teaching. She is always looking for ways to help her students be prepared for the dynamic demands of the food industry.

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Faculty of Law

University of Manitoba Community Law Centre Launches Prison Law Clinic

June 27, 2024 — 
Upon identifying a gap in legal services for individuals held in custody in federal prisons, the University of Manitoba Community Law Centre (UMCLC) has taken steps to address this issue by launching the province’s first Prison Law Clinic.

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Judges and their former clerks from the past 20 years of the Faculty of Law’s Manitoba Court of Appeal clerkship program gathered for a reunion on May 10, 2024.Photo by Mike Latschislaw.

Faculty of Law

Celebrating 20 years of the Manitoba Court of Appeal clerkship program

June 10, 2024 — 
Twenty years ago, a young professor at the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Law approached the Dean with an idea: to ask the Manitoba Court of Appeal to take on third year law students as clerks to gain hands-on experience in seeing how the Province’s top court operates. As the 20th fall term of the program approaches, the Faculty and the Court realized the impact of the program’s long-lasting legacy and summoned alumni of the program from far and wide to celebrate at a luncheon held on May 10th, 2024.

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Business and Arts Clinic summer students left to right: Ken Vong (2L), Lisa Haydey (3L), Moira Kennedy (3L), Serena Bevilacqua (2L), Kassandra Taverner (3L), Connor Giesbrecht (3L), Kaeten Wader (3L).

Faculty of Law

L. Kerry Vickar Business and Arts Clinics summer student team ready to help

June 10, 2024 — 
The Faculty of Law’s L. Kerry Vickar Business Law Clinic and Manitoba Legal Clinic for the Arts have expanded capacity this summer, hiring a record number of seven law students.

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