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Asper School of Business News Archive

Asper School of Business

Asper School of Business launches Applied Small Business Course

July 22, 2020 — 
In response to challenges facing many local businesses during COVID-19 restrictions, the Asper School of Business has created a new undergraduate course designed to give back to the Manitoba business community.

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Group of students in orange shirts

Asper School of Business

Shinerama Launches New Fundraising Campaign

July 20, 2020 — 
This year, the Shinetoba committee has launched an all-new can drive – and they need your help!

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Man in suit

Asper School of Business

Q & A with an MBA: Dean Beleyowski [BComm. (Hons.)/92, MBA/03]

July 20, 2020 — 
For this month’s Q & A with an MBA feature we share the story of one of our Asper alumni and highlight the generosity and community support of the local organization he works for.

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Dog graphic

Asper School of Business

Virtual entrepreneurship competition sparks student creativity

July 19, 2020 — 
This June, the Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship (SCCE) held a two-phase virtual competition for students to exercise their entrepreneurial creativity.

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Seniors walking at university

SSHRC invests in researchers studying issues related to individuals and society

July 7, 2020 — 
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) has awarded $91 million in funding to more than 1,253 researchers from 60 different Canadian institutions, following the 2019-20 Insight Grants competition. Among these are 10 UM researchers who collectively received $1,796,707 in funding.

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Grad cap 2020


Convocation 2020: Honouring Indigenous graduates

June 29, 2020 — 
Meet some of the incredible members of the University of Manitoba’s class of 2020. UM campuses are uniquely strengthened by Indigenous student perspectives. The Indigenous campus community includes many student leaders who continue to define new directions and move our nations, province and country forward with their ideas and passions. The following Indigenous students will graduate during UM Virtual Convocation on June 29.

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Students Jumping

Asper School of Business

Celebrating Asper’s 2020 Medalists

June 26, 2020 — 
We are proud of all of our graduates this year but would like to recognize our Asper BComm. (Hons.) medal winners, Riley Dirks and Peirce Dickson. Riley and Peirce have been recognized as students completing Bachelor of Commerce Program with the highest standing for the spring 2020 graduation.

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Convocation hat and admin building


Convocation 2020 – Beyond the Classroom

June 24, 2020 — 
Meet some of the incredible members of the University of Manitoba’s class of 2020. As students, these graduands embraced opportunities available to them outside the classroom – from international exchanges to undergraduate research – that broadened their horizons and helped them to find their passions.

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Female - Ashley Richard

Asper School of Business

Bringing the Indigenous Women’s Ecosystem in Canada to Life

June 22, 2020 — 
As the Manitoba regional hub of the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH), the Asper School of Business is a part national network of ten regional hubs designed to increase women entrepreneurs’ access to financing, talent, networks, and expertise.

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Peter Pomart at podium

Asper School of Business

Connecting Indigenous values to business practices

June 19, 2020 — 
Congratulations to Asper PhD student, Peter Pomart [MBA/18], who was award the SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) Doctoral Fellowship.

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