Asper Research News Archive
Asper School of Business
Silvestre named as Asper School of Business Acting Dean
September 2, 2021 —
Dr. Bruno Silvestre’s academic record and administrative achievements to support Asper’s growth trajectory.
Asper School of Business
Shedding Light on the Dark Side of Firm Lobbying
July 29, 2021 —
Asper Professor’s study on the relationship between lobbying spending and customer satisfaction published in the Journal of Marketing.
Asper School of Business
The Asper School of Business Welcomes a New Associate Dean
July 12, 2021 —
The Asper School of Business welcomes Dr. Suzanne Gagnon, Canada Life Chair in Leadership Education and Director of the James W. Burns Leadership Institute, as the School’s Associate Dean of Professional Graduate Programs and Executive Education.
Asper School of Business
CN Professorship announced
July 6, 2021 —
Dr. Bruno Silvestre, Associate Dean, Strategic Partnerships & Administration at the Asper School of Business and Director of the Transport Institute, has been awarded a CN Professorship.
Morantz Professorship in Business Ethics announced
June 10, 2021 —
Morantz family gift attracts esteemed international researcher to the Asper School of Business
Asper School of Business
Asper staff and faculty honoured with UM Annual Community Outreach Award
May 17, 2021 —
The Presidential Advisory Committee on University Outreach has selected five Asper School of Business faculty and staff for the 2020 Annual Community Outreach Award. Congratulations to Debra Jonasson-Young, Dr. Nathan Greidanus, Dr. Kerri Kettle, Dr. Subbu Sivaramakrishnan, and Dr. Fang Wan on their accomplishment.
Asper School of Business
World’s top behavioural finance researchers to lead Asper School conference
May 14, 2021 —
Takes place virtually on June 1 and will bring together leading international academics and practitioners in finance and economics to examine and discuss cutting-edge academic research in behavioral finance
Asper School of Business
Asper Assistant Professor published in the Journal of Financial Economics
May 13, 2021 —
Dr. Zhenzhen Fan, an Assistant Professor in Finance and Economics at the Asper School of Business recently learned that her paper entitled, Equity Trail Risk and Currency Risk Premiums was accepted for publication by Journal of Financial Economics (JFE), a leading peer-reviewed academic journal covering theoretical and empirical topics in financial economics. Dr. Fan co-authored this paper along with Dr. Juan M. Londono, Senior Economic Project Manager of the US Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and Dr. Xiao Xiao, Assistant Professor of Finance at Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam.
Asper School of Business
ADHD and Entrepreneurship
April 15, 2021 —
Paper addressing the relationship between attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and entrepreneurship published in Journal of Business Venturing
Asper School of Business
Research conference on Indigenous business themes connects academics around the globe
March 26, 2021 —
On March 18 and 19, the Asper School of Businesses' Indigenous Business Edcuation Partners and the James W. Burns Leadership Institute hosted the inaugural Emerging Themes in Indigenous Business research conference. Two hundred people from around the world including Australia, New Zealand, France, The United Kingdom, Chile, Mexico and across Canada participated in the two-day conference.