Asper Indigenous News Archive
Asper School of Business
Asper School of Business students receive Manitoba Indigenous Youth Achievement Awards
December 7, 2023 —
Two Asper School of Business undergraduate students have received Manitoba Indigenous Youth Achievement Awards (MIYAAs). Brenden Tait won in the Academic (Senior) category, while John Lodge won in the Business/Entrepreneurship category.
Asper School of Business
Recognizing excellence in Indigenous business and entrepreneurship at VIBE 2023
November 14, 2023 —
For 17 years, Indigenous Business Education Partners (IBEP) at the Asper School of Business has hosted the Visionary Indigenous Business (VIBE) Awards, recognizing the achievements of Indigenous businesses, business leaders and entrepreneurs in Manitoba. The 2023 VIBE Award recipients are Dreamcatcher Promotions and La Brasserie Nonsuch Brewing Co.
Asper School of Business
Asper School of Business signs historic memorandum of understanding
August 30, 2023 —
On August 29, 2023, Dean Bruno Silvestre of the Asper School of Business signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with leaders from Norway House Cree Nation and Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc (MKO).
Asper School of Business
The Asper School of Business celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day
June 21, 2023 —
At the Asper School of Business, First Nations, Métis and Inuit students, alumni and colleagues are leaders in pursuing economic reconciliation for Indigenous peoples, as entrepreneurs, educators, accountants, analysts and more.
Asper School of Business
My journey toward reconciliation at work and home
June 19, 2023 —
June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day. On this day, Canadians are encouraged to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples of Canada. As Dean of the Asper School of Business, I would like to share my experience learning about the history of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and engaging with current and future perspectives.
Asper School of Business
Reconciliation through education
June 19, 2023 —
Jim Thunder [MBA/17], pursued an Asper MBA because he wanted a career that would allow him to contribute to solving problems and creating change on a larger scale, with a focus on enhancing Indigenous communities and amplifying calls for reconciliation.
Asper School of Business
Asper School of Business launches future-focused BComm curriculum
June 14, 2023 —
The Asper School of Business will launch a new Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) curriculum, beginning in Fall 2023. Developed by the Asper School’s Undergraduate Review Committee, the new curriculum will prepare students to face the dynamic landscape of business—to anticipate emerging issues and innovations while responding to existing problems.
Asper School of Business
Asper BComm grad celebrates convocation, a time to reflect and embrace possibility
June 12, 2023 —
Asper BComm grad Deidre Dewar worked for years to secure something more important than a singular purpose. In committing to learning, making sacrifices and embracing her story—challenges and all—she found possibility.
Asper School of Business
Indigenous women empowering each other through traditional birth support
May 10, 2023 —
Kathleen BlueSky’s [MBA/15] role as co-founder and board chair of Wiijii’idiwag Ikwewag began during her time in the Asper MBA program, in a confluence of hard truths and tenderness.
Asper School of Business
Experiential learning key to career success for actuarial BComm grad
March 31, 2023 —
Cassie Phaneuf [BComm(Hons)/22] majored in actuarial mathematics at the Asper School of Business before securing an internship at Intact Insurance in Montréal. Despite her specialization, her first assigned project involved more than traditional actuarial work. With the breadth of her business education, Phaneuf was well-prepared.