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Asper School of Business News Archive

Dr Fang Wan

Asper School of Business News

Clarity Required in COVID-19 Communications

November 15, 2020 — 
Asper School of Business Marketing Professor  and F. Ross Johnson Fellow, Dr. Fang Wan had the opportunity to provide her insights and discuss the strategies and effectiveness of Manitoba's recent COVID related lock-down communications on CJOB last Thursday, November 12.

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Graphic for Virtual Pitch Competition

Asper School of Business News

Exploring the Entrepreneurial Spirit – Virtually

November 11, 2020 — 
On October 29, the Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship (SCCE) hosted its first virtual business plan pitch competition as part of its core Asper entrepreneurship course ENTR 2030 and the parallel ENTR 2020 course for non-Asper students.

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Tony Quach

Globe and Mail: From anthropology to visual arts, COVID-19 is now part of the university curriculum

November 6, 2020 — 
UM leads the way in adapting courses to meet the current situation

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David White

Asper School of Business News

Asper Alumnus Awarded Prestigious Supply Chain Designation

November 3, 2020 — 
Supply Chain Canada inducts Asper Alum David White [BComm(Hons)/90, CA/93] as a 2020 Fellow Supply Chain Management Professional™

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Drake Centre Student area

Asper School of Business News

Asper’s First EDI Panel Reveals Room for Growth

October 29, 2020 — 
Students, faculty, staff and alumni attended the Asper School of Business’ first equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) orientation panel discussion on October 8, 2020.

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Picture of University of Manitoba Professor, Dr. Zhenzhen

Asper School of Business News

Investigating risk and return

October 29, 2020 — 
Dr. Zhenzhen Fan, an Assistant Professor at the Asper School of Business, recently had her paper Moment Risk Premia and Stock Return Predictability published in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA). With a reputation as one of the top finance journals on the market, being placed in this publication is a significant academic achievement. According to Cambridge University Press, “the JFQA prints less than 9% of the more than 1,000 manuscripts submitted annually.”

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Picture of a woman smiling with her arms crossed. She is wearing a pink blazer and black shirt.

Acquisition International: Alumna named best wealth management businesswoman

October 26, 2020 — 
Asper Alumna named Canada's best wealth management businesswoman.


Asper School of Business News

Great beginnings, bittersweet endings and everything in between

October 21, 2020 — 
A good journey is a cluster of great moments - Shakti Vyjayanthi chronicles her experience in the Asper MBA program.

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Three students smiling.

Asper School of Business News

Sales for Success

October 20, 2020 — 
Sales for Success was the first in a series of events the group will launch this year, all designed to improve students’ knowledge and understanding of the current landscape of the marketing industry.

Grad cap and admin building

Students News

Meet the graduating class of Fall 2020

October 16, 2020 — 
Meet some of the incredible members of the University of Manitoba’s class of 2020. Fall Convocation will be held this year on October 22, join us via Live Stream.  

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