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Asper School of Business News Archive

Asper School of Business News

Strengthening Manitoba’s Leadership Potential

January 24, 2022 — 
James W. Burns Leadership Institute’s marquee initiative, the President’s Student Leadership Program (PSLP), is now welcoming applications for its 2022 cohort.

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Top Left to right Sean MacDonald, Mingzhi Liu, Sandeep Arora - Bottom Left to right Rajesh Manchanda and Ying Zhang

Asper School of Business News

Asper professors honoured with the 2021 Associates Achievement Awards

January 21, 2022 — 
Asper faculty recognized for excellence in research, teaching and engagement


Asper School of Business News

Asper School of Business to host the 17th annual JDC West competition

January 12, 2022 — 
From January 14 to 16, the I.H. Asper School of Business will be hosting a virtual iteration of the 17th annual JDC West competition.

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Asper co-op advisor sitting with a student in a board room at the Asper School of Business.

Asper School of Business News

Asper School of Business launches Master’s Co-op Program

January 6, 2022 — 
The Stu Clark Graduate School at the Asper School of Business is excited to launch three new co-op programs for professional graduate students, building on the success of Asper’s award-winning Bachelor of Commerce Co-op Program. Starting this summer, the first cohort of students from the Master of Business Administration (MBA) will start their work placements, followed by the Master of Finance students in fall 2022 and the Master of Supply Chain Management and Logistics students during the summer of 2023.

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Woman in white collar shirt putting sticky notes on a board for an Asper School of Business Executive Education photo.

Asper School of Business News

How leaders can prepare for 2022

January 3, 2022 — 
Now more than ever organizations need strong, capable leaders. We have faced pervasive uncertainty throughout the pandemic and while 2022 brings renewed opportunities, it is sure to bring continued transformative change. At the James W. Burns Executive Education Centre we asked ourselves, how can leaders ensure they are prepared to step into the new year and lead with confidence? By focusing on crucial leadership skills, we can ensure we are ready to take every challenge with newfound resilience that brings about innovative and creative ways of leading in times of immense change.

Asper School of Business News

Wrapping up the 2021 case competition year with a global win

December 8, 2021 — 
The Asper School of Business mixed undergraduate and graduate team placed 3rd at the Creative Shock case competition hosted by ISM University of Management and Economics in Lithuania.

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Influential business leader and revered role model Indra Nooyi announced as 2022 IDEA recipient

December 7, 2021 — 
Will be presented with the IDEA award at the 2022 IDEA dinner on May 3

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Asper School of Business News

10 gift ideas to shop local this holiday season

December 6, 2021 — 
Support local businesses this holiday season.

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Asper School of Business News

Beyond the win – the value in experiential learning

November 26, 2021 — 
The Asper School of Business students have recently taken the experiential opportunity to a new level by not only developing their skills but also excelling in the process by winning prestigious national case competitions.

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2021 IDEA RECIPIENT DR. ERNEST RADY [BCOMM/58, LLB/62, LLD/15]. // PHOTO BY Steve Salnikowski

UM alumnus Dr. Ernest Rady receives 2021 IDEA award

November 19, 2021 — 
Visionary Dr. Ernest Rady honoured at IDEA event to celebrate his community impact and leadership

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