The 2017 Brown & Gold Brunch.
Let’s Make a Deal!
Every September during Homecoming, our university community gathers to reconnect, reminisce and celebrate our alumni. At this year’s Brown & Gold Brunch, one of the signature alumni events held during the week, you’ll be able to do that and much more as TV legends Marilyn and Monty Hall [BSc/46, LLD/87] will be honoured, one year after their passing.
After enjoying a gourmet brunch and a chance to catch up with others, you’ll be one of the first to stroll through Hollywood history at the exclusive grand opening of the Marilyn & Monty Hall Retrospective Exhibit.
The Halls were visionaries of the American screen scene: Marilyn as a writer and producer; Monty as the creator and original host of the popular game show Let’s Make a Deal.
First and foremost, however, the Halls were Winnipeggers. Monty served as president of the University of Manitoba Students’ Union in 1945 and received financial support for his education—a gesture he credits as the inspiration for his own philanthropy and humanitarianism.
His U of M days made such an indelible mark on his life that a significant number of items from their illustrious careers were donated to the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections.
In an exhibit specially curated for the Brown & Gold Brunch, attendees will be able to view the Hall’s Emmy awards and a recreation of the Let’s Make a Deal set featuring memorabilia such as Monty’s speeches, cue cards, microphone, and other set pieces. Emmy-award winning producers, Richard Hall and Sharon Hall Kessler, will also be on hand to help kick-off the grand opening of their parents’ exhibit.
The Brown & Gold Brunch is on Sunday, Sept. 30 in the Multi-Purpose Room on the second floor of UMSU University Centre. Doors open at 10:30 a.m., brunch begins at 11 a.m., with the exhibit’s Grand Opening at 1 p.m.
Tickets are $50 and can be purchased on the Brown & Gold Brunch website.