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Reva Stone. // Photo by David Lipnowski

Reva Stone – Artist in Residence with the School of Art: September 24 – November 30

September 21, 2018 — 

Winnipeg artist Reva Stone [BA/68, BFA (Hons)/85]  takes up artistic residence in the School of Art for 10 weeks in the fall term. From September 24 – November 30, she will engage with students individually and in groups, through studio visits, public talks, classroom visits, and study groups. She will also be continuing work on a project for fragment, a solo exhibition in February 6 – April 26, 2019 in the School of Art Gallery.

Reva Stone’s work is concerned with an examination of the mediation between our bodies and the technologies that are altering how we interact with the world. She engages with a variety of forms of digital technologies to initiate discourses about how biotechnological and robotic practices are impacting upon the very nature of being human.

Stone’s work has included pieces such as Imaginal Expression, an endlessly mutating responsive 3D environment, Carnevale 3.0, an autonomous robot that reflects on the nature of human consciousness, and Portal (iphone), a work that combines custom software, media, robotics and mobile phone technology to create a work that appears to be sentient. Recently, she has been developing a series of works that critique how drone technologies are being integrated into society, titled Fragments.

About the Artist

Reva Stone has received many awards, including the 2017 Distinguished Alumni Award for Professional Achievement from the University of Manitoba, 2015 Governor General’s Awards in Visual and Media Arts and an honorable mention from Life 5.0, Art & Artificial Life International Competition, Fundación Telefónica, Madrid, Spain.

She has exhibited widely in Canada, the US and Europe, has presented at symposia and has been published in journals such as ‘Second Nature: the International Journal of Creative Media.’


Art/Science Workshop with Rebecca Kamen and Reva Stone – “Visualizing Scientific Concepts through Sculpture”

Time: Wednesday, Sep. 26 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Location: St. John’s Common Room.

In this upcoming workshop, the processes of making the Invisible Visible, re-imagining how scientific modelling takes place, bringing scientific modelling back to material exploration, and the distillation of fundamental concepts are explored. All participants will be making models from everyday objects to better communicate scientific ideas. There will be snacks and refreshments available as well.

The workshop is open to 60 students from the Faculty of Science and the School of Art who will work together on projects. All materials will be provided.

The workshop is free, but space is limited.  Students who are interested should RSVP to the following link:

Panel Discussion:  Rebecca Kamen, Reva Stone and Seema Goel

Time: Friday, Sep. 28, 7-9 p.m.

Location: Manitoba Craft Council, 329 Cumberland.

An artists’ talk/panel discussion – Science as a Material to inform Creative Practice. Includes reception.

Artist Talks

Time: Oct. 2 and Nov. 27, 12 p.m.

Location: 364 ARTlab.

Residency Information

For more information about Reva Stone’s residency and associated events, visit the Gallery website or contact:

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