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Profile of MB Chief Medical & Nursing Officers, alumni Dr. Brent Roussin and Lanette Siragusa

March 24, 2020 — 

In a feature profiling Canada’s Chief Medical Officers across the country, Giuseppe Valiante of the Canadian Press noted two outstanding UM alumni: Manitoba’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brent Roussin (BSc/96, MD/00, JD/09, MPH/11) and Chief Nursing Officer Lanette Siragusa (BN/95, MN/08):

Roussin, Manitoba’s chief public health officer, recently told reporters he would work every day until the COVID-19 pandemic is under control.

Roussin and Lanette Siragusa, chief nursing officer, have drawn praise for providing up-to-date information about the spread of the virus in the province.

Roussin’s calm demeanour and straightforward answers in the province’s daily online briefings have been noted. He takes time to discuss the unique challenges COVID-19 poses for Manitoba’s Indigenous population and has held a specific news conference to discuss how northern First Nations communities can stay safe during the pandemic.

A specialist in public health and preventive medicine, Roussin worked with the federal First Nations and Inuit Health Branch and was a medical officer of health for northern Manitoba before taking up his current position.

Read the entire Canadian Press story here.

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10 comments on “Profile of MB Chief Medical & Nursing Officers, alumni Dr. Brent Roussin and Lanette Siragusa

  1. Liz

    Do you not think it might be helpful to enlighten the people of winnipeg what area of the city the infected people are situated. If there is a “hot spot,” say in St. Boniface, for example, it would be beneficial for residents of that area to take extra care when they have to leave their home to purchase groceries. It would definitely be of value to myself. Keeping everyone in the dark is so unfair and typical of Winnipeg’s secrecy regarding healthcare. It’s time to STOP this practice. I’m sure people would find the information invaluable.

  2. Irma Rex

    I would just like to know why Dr. Brent Roussin wont say which towns in the southern health have cases of covid 19?? I think we should have the right to know were exactly all the cases are!!! We dont need to know the names of people.

  3. Gerry Winiarz

    Was wondering…
    1)With respect to the emergency state or lock down in time. Why does it have to be -based on a 30 day time frame? Rather then, period(s) of two weeks at a time? Is there any other facts, we as the public, should know and that is why your choice is 30 day time values.
    2) When disclosing individual people or cases that-have the virus,to the public, why is that you never openly convey to Manitobans what race, sex & age, these individuals are? My viewpoint is,wouldn’t the public like to know-the full stats of these people? so that we can share the data and further narrow it down to assist in limiting the spread of it? The Americans release this data to their electorate.

  4. Sally

    I totally agree. We need to know where the infected areas are so we can stay away.
    Why doesn’t this Roussin want to tell us?
    He centered out the Hutterites as being infected .. Why can’t he tell us about the newcomers that are still arriving into Canada from Covid infected countries?

  5. Jn

    For the newcomer they are very strict following the 14 days isolation. For simple reason newcomers tend to be the the strict follower of the rules and they are being checked randomly by provincial health their whereabouts within 14 days period.

  6. William Graham

    When are seniors going to get vaccine that are not in nursing homes? Why do we not have a rollout plan in place? Why aren’t doctors and pharmacies not involved with distribution? When is supply going to meet demand in Manitoba?

  7. Suzanne Grierson

    Why is Manitoba ignoring the health of people with underlying health conditions when it comes to rolling out the covid vaccines?

  8. Merrilyn Fiori

    When are you going to consider those of us seniors living in 55+ apartment blocks. March will mark 1 yr since we have been isolated in our building We need a break soon! And when will we be able to receive the COVID vaccine? It seems like we are forgotten.

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