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UM alumni are good reads too!

February 17, 2021 — 

During I Love to Read Month, many of us are selecting Canadian authors, especially today, I Read Canadian Day, a national day of celebration of the depth, breadth and diversity of Canadian literature.

If you are reading Canadian writers’ work right now (and you should be!), why not select an author who is also a UM grad?

These include:

Junebat by John Elizabeth Stintzi [BA(Hons)/14], described as sometimes very combative, and sometimes it’s very tender. It’s meant to embody instability or “unknowable-ness.”

Songs for the End of the World by Salema Nawaz [MA/06], a novel about family and parenthood, about loss and regret, about momentary connection and lingering solitude.

The Water Beetles by Michael Kaan [MBA/09, BSW/97, BA(Hons)/90], loosely based on the diaries of Kaan’s own father, Kaan said. It tells story of a family as they look to survive the 1941 Japanese invasion of Hong Kong.

Rekindling the Sacred Fire: Métis Ancestry and Anishinaabe Spirituality by Chantal Fiola [BA(Hons)/04] highlights the ongoing historical impacts of colonization upon Métis identity and spirituality through interviews with Manitoba Métis.

Don’t Try This at Home: One Family’s (Mis)adventures Around the World by Daria Salamon [BEd/95] and Rob Krause, an honest reflection on parenting and marriage while meeting the challenges of foreign customs, broken-down buses, stomach bugs, personal loss, and their often less-than-enthusiastic children.

And while you are reading a UM alumni author, why not join the UM Alumni Book Club? Open to all, the next reading period begins in March with President Michael Benarroch’s selection, Medicine Walk, by Canadian author Richard Wagamese.

Contest Alert!

From now until February 28, you could win a book lover’s prize package via the UM Alumni Instagram channel! Take a photo of yourself with a book by your favourite Canadian author and post it on your Instagram account! Full entry requirements and rules can be read here.

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