The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning June Workshops
Check out the variety of workshops scheduled for June, offered by The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning.
Panorama – Improving Digital Accessibility
Date and time: Thursday, June 13, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Create pages in UM Learn from HTML templates, discover best practices in managing files, and understand your legal responsibility in creating accessible content. Explore various media objects that can be created for your courses in collaboration with the Centre’s Media team.
Register for the Panorama workshop
Open Educational Resources – What, How, Why (Part 1)
Date and time: Tuesday, June 18, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
The term open educational resources (OER) describes a wide range of materials in teaching and learning that are available for public use with an open license or in the public domain. Examples of OER include full courses, course modules, syllabi, textbooks, lectures, assessments, and datasets. In this workshop, participants will learn why OER are valuable, how to locate them, how to evaluate them using a rubric, and how to adapt and create them. The workshop does not assume prior experience with these topics.
Register for the open educational resources series.
Best Practices in Providing High Stakes Feedback in Clinical Instruction
Date and time: Thursday, June 20, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
This workshop is offered to all educators in Health Sciences who teaches in classroom, lab, and clinical settings. The purpose of this workshop is to inform about the best practices in giving high stakes feedback in their classroom, lab, and clinical instruction.
Register for the high stakes feedback in clinical instruction workshop
The Flipped Classroom
Date and time: Tuesday, June 25, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Interested in more knowledge application and problem-solving activities in your classroom? Looking to add more active learning to a traditional lecture course? Come to this workshop and learn the basics of a flipped classroom that will enable you to flip a lesson or two in an upcoming course.
Register for the flipped classroom workshop
SoTL Ethics
Date and time: Tuesday, June 25, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Research with human participants requires approval from the UM Research Ethics Board to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants. This is true of all research with human participants, but SoTL projects often have unique characteristics that warrant extra consideration when preparing an ethics application. For example, how do you ensure that students do not feel coerced to give consent when the instructor of their course is also the lead researcher? In this workshop, we will provide possible solutions for this and other research design elements that require careful consideration of ethical practices when designing your SoTL study. We will also review the Research Ethics application process at the University of Manitoba, and attendees will be given the opportunity to begin to draft their ethics application. This workshop will be interactive and collaborative. To get the most of this workshop, please bring a laptop or device to the workshop.