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womens and gender studies News Archive

Research and International

The Conversation: Living to tell the story: Lawsuit accuses ER doctor of anti-indigenous racism

February 13, 2025 — 
On Jan. 15, 2023, Justin Flett arrived at the emergency room at St. Anthony’s Hospital, in The Pas, Manitoba. According to Flett’s statement of claim, submitted to the Court of King’s Bench of Manitoba in December and as reported by CBC News and APTN, he told the triage nurse he was experiencing distressing abdominal pain.

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Faculty of Arts

The Conversation: Free menstrual products matter to support equity, but so do adequate facilities and sinks

September 17, 2024 — 
Over the past years, activists have made important gains in the effort to provide people who menstruate with adequate and free supplies.

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Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

Research for the greater good

September 4, 2024 — 
In a collaborative effort to raise awareness about water justice and injustices, Senior Fellow and Distinguished Professor in the Faculty of Arts Dr. Adele Perry spearheads an interdisciplinary research project titled “Just Waters: Thinking with Hydro-Social Relations for a More Just and Sustainable World.”

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Two women in winter gear standing on a glacier smiling at the camera.

Faculty of Arts

Invested in making a better UM for everyone

June 4, 2024 — 
When speaking to Tracy Karuhogo [BA/2024] and Christine Yasay [BA (Hons)/2024], they quickly say they are each other’s rock. These Faculty of Arts graduates have supported each other through course work, advocacy, event planning, and more.

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Group of 15 students standing in front of a wooden wall, most holding a book.

Faculty of Arts

Disability is part of all of our experience

January 29, 2024 — 
On January 19th, students, faculty, family and friends gathered to celebrate the launch of What Our Bodies Know: Essays at the Intersection of Feminism & Disability. The book is an anthology of 28 creative nonfiction pieces written by students from the course WOMN 2540: Feminisms and Disability in Contemporary Literature from the women’s and gender studies program (WGS) in the Faculty of Arts.

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Stack of books on a table in a bookstore.

Faculty of Arts

Discover something new: Books to inspire, inform and entertain

August 11, 2023 — 
Providing in-depth insights and analysis on a wide range of topics, from state schooling in British Columbia to essays of love and peace, our faculty are committed to sharing their research and creativity with the world. Whether you’re a student looking to expand your understanding, a researcher in need of reliable sources or simply someone with a thirst for knowledge, this sampling of books released over the past year are sure to provide the guidance you seek.

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Law Courts building sign

Faculty of Law

Forms of Address for Parties and Pronouns Usage in Manitoba Courts

October 1, 2021 — 
The Court has always provided direction on how parties engage with the justice system.  Lawyers are told how to dress, where to stand, how to address their colleagues as well as Judges and courtroom staff. Law students engaged in experiential learning this year will find that the Courts are now asking people for the correct language to use when addressing parties in the courtroom.

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clodeup of woman wearing glasses, black leather jacket and pride pin

Faculty of Arts

Meet the 2021 Faculty of Arts Gold Medal Recipients

June 15, 2021 — 
The Faculty of Arts is pleased to present the 2021 undergraduate academic medal winners

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woman in parka and toque standing, with city landscape behind her

Faculty of Arts

Arts grad ends degree with Creative Expression Award

June 11, 2021 — 
Rebecca Simiyu [BA/2021] looks back fondly at her time in the Faculty of Arts ending with an award

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Headshot of Nancy Kang with blurred office background.

Faculty of Arts

Creative voice shines light on women’s stories

October 16, 2020 — 
Get to know Dr. Nancy Kang, a Tier II Canada Research Chair in Transnational Feminisms and Gender-Based Violence and an Associate Professor of Women’s & Gender Studies in the Faculty of Arts.

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