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St John’s College fellowship News Archive

Sean Carleton

St. John's College

Sean Carleton helps put truth before reconciliation

April 11, 2024 — 
Dr. Sean Carleton, a visiting St John’s College fellow, settler historian, and assistant professor in history and Indigenous studies, uses his teaching, research, and service to help put truth before reconciliation.

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St. John's College

Decades of work recently released in long-awaited Norquay book

April 11, 2024 — 
Over a decade ago, Dr. Friesen set out to write a biography on the former premier. What started as a small part of his thesis work as a Ph.D. student at the University of Toronto later became a project Gerald pursued after finishing his forty-year teaching career at the University of Manitoba.

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St. John's College

CBC Books: 26 works of Canadian nonfiction coming out in spring 2024

March 26, 2024 — 
A book that focuses on an exploration of reconciliation centred around Winnipeg, its history and people. 

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Woman with shoulder length grey hair wearing brown rimmed glasses - big smile

St. John's College

Taking clean water for granted in Winnipeg

March 20, 2024 — 
Water is a commodity we often take for granted in today's world. As we approach World Water Day on March 22, we recognize Adele Perry's book, Aqueduct: Colonialism, Resources and the History We Remember, to shed light on this issue. 

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St. John's College

Challenging normative paradigms at the 40th Annual Marjorie Ward Lecture

March 12, 2024 — 
Last night, St John's College hosted the 40th Annual Marjorie Ward, presenting Dr. Marcia Anderson, the Vice-Dean of Indigenous health, social justice, and anti-racism in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.

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St. John's College

Working women unite for International Women’s Day

March 8, 2024 — 
Dr. Smith presented on “Working Women Unite: Feminist Unions and Labour Organizations in Western Canada, 1970–1990,” touching on her research interests in gender and work, labour relations, and gender and women’s history.     

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St. John's College

Dr. Ryan Turnbull explains the vocation of church buildings

February 29, 2024 — 
Recently completing his doctorate at the University of Birmingham, Dr. Ryan Turnbull dives into his reasoning of why church buildings are becoming more vacant.  

St. John's College

Welcoming new Fellows to the college community

October 19, 2023 — 
Fellows like Sean, Annette, and Jorg look to join the College as a place to network with other academics, attend lectures, workshops, and other monthly events to further their knowledge and join a small community on the UM campus.

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