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Research and International News Archive

The Gibbis Bee

Finally, a bee for Friendly Manitoba

May 18, 2018 — 
Manitoba, you have a new, smiley face bee

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New support for applying for Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships

May 17, 2018 — 
The University of Manitoba has established a new process to support applications of postdocs for these awards


A teaspoon of beef helps the medicine go down

May 17, 2018 — 
New research by University of Manitoba professors has found that a particular beef protein may help people swallow bitter medicine.

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Faculty of Science

“Big on Birds: Dr. Emily McKinnon to Speak at ‘Birds Vs. Windows’ Outreach Event”

May 14, 2018 — 
“Birds vs. Windows” is being presented in order to educate the public about the devastating impact of window collisions on bird populations, as well as how to prevent them and what to do with injured birds. This outreach event is part of NSERC’s Science Odyssey.

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Satellites at Magellan.

New NSERC Chairs announced for U of M

May 11, 2018 — 
More bang for your buck with low-cost satellite manufacturing

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Faculty of Science

“Not Just a ‘Cold One’: Science on Tap Shows the Many Sides of Beer”

May 10, 2018 — 
A microbiologist, a chemist, a neuroscientist and a medieval historian walk into a brewery… No, it’s not a joke, it’s this year’s “Science on Tap”, part of Science Odyssey Week! If you’re up for beer with a side of knowledge, then this adults-only evening is a must.

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URA awards

Faculty of Education

Faculty celebrates most undergrad research awards

May 8, 2018 — 
With grants supporting nine students, the Faculty of Education has seen its most ever Undergraduate Research Awards (URA) this year.

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Dr. Philip Ferguson (mechanical engineering) and his graduate students Valorie Platero and Matthew Driedger, with CSA Astronaut Dr. Jenni Sidey, and a model of CubeSAT.

CSA to help students design, build and launch their own satellites

May 4, 2018 — 
Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jenni Sidey announces student teams


Faculty of Science

‘Messy and Magical’: Elementary students to enjoy ‘Discovery Days’ May 3 and 4

April 27, 2018 — 
Paper marbling, a potions class à la Hogwarts School of Wizardry!, math mania or a physics stunts show? These are just some of the options available to the nearly 2,000 elementary school students attending this year’s “Discovery Days” on the University of Manitoba’s Fort Garry campus. Hosted by the Faculties of Science and Engineering on May 3rd and 4th.

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Engaging patients: Nursing researchers garner ‘seed’ funding

April 27, 2018 — 
When Kendra Rieger and Kellie Thiessen were announced as winners of a CHI award, they were thrilled – but not only for the reasons one might think

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