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Recreation Services News Archive

Students snowshoeing as part of the Jack Frost Challenge.

Get UM winter-active

January 24, 2023 — 
Free cross-country skiing, fat-tire biking, snow-shoeing and winter walks for Jack Frost Challenge

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Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

Come ski for free at UM Southwood Grounds

January 12, 2023 — 
Winnipeg Trails and UM Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management have teamed up to offer a free skiing event on January 19-20, and you're invited!


Two students featured walking together indoors, while masked., various other students, also masked are walking by.


Welcome to Winter Term 2023

January 9, 2023 — 
Find out how to get involved and stay connected outside of formal classes through programs, events, and activities that have been planned throughout January.

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Karate instructor demonstrating punching technique

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

Five reasons to try dance and martial arts programs for free, Sep. 11-17

December 22, 2022 — 
UM Recreation Services is opening the dance and martial arts programs to UM students and members for free, September 11-17. But why should you take time out of your busy schedule to give them a try? There are many reasons, so we narrowed the list down to the best ones!


kim standing in the Joe Doupe Rec Centre gymnasium

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

UM Recreation Services testimonial: Kim Armitt

November 16, 2022 — 
Kim Armitt, who works as the manager of physician’s services at the Health Sciences Centre, has been an avid member at the Joe Doupe Recreation Centre for several years


Yellow autumn leaves on trees on the Duckworth Quad on the Fort Garry campus.


This Fall Term break build healthy habits to help support mental health and well-being

November 4, 2022 — 
As you head into a well-deserved Fall Term break, be reminded of the many resources, programs, services and supports that are available to support your mental health, well-being and your academic success.

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Nicole Evans standing in front of a white wall with a white sweater on.

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

UM Recreation Services testimonial: Nicole Evans

June 15, 2022 — 
Nicole Evans works at a provincial lab near the Joe Doupe Recreation Centre (JDRC) at the UM’s Bannatyne campus. As someone who has tried many different gyms and work-out styles over the years, when she started working at the lab and signed up for a membership at JDRC she was pleasantly surprised by the diverse fitness classes offered through the centre


Saman Sobhani sits on a workout bike

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

UM Recreation Services Testimonial: Saman Sobhani

June 15, 2022 — 
Sobhani is a strong advocate for using physical activity to cope with the difficult circumstances that come with being an international student and studying in a new country


Jaron stands in ALC smiling

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

UM Recreation Services member testimonial: Jaron Rykiss

June 15, 2022 — 
Rykiss emphasizes that being fit and active is all about staying healthy, both physically and mentally, and that though difficult, it’s important not to compare oneself to others or feel discouraged when beginning a fitness journey.


Derek swims in the Joyce Fromson Pool

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

UM Recreation Services member testimonial: Derek Andriy Patten

May 26, 2022 — 
Derek Andriy Patten (he/him or they/them) is a graduate student at the University of Manitoba who is an avid user of the Joyce Fromson pool and other areas of the Active Living Centre (ALC).

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