provost and vice-president (academic) News Archive

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Program expansions advancing health and wellness in Manitoba
September 1, 2023 —
In recent months, UM announced new funding and increased enrolment capacity for a number of programs. Learn about the governance process for academic program expansions and the introduction of new programs.

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Strategic Initiatives Fund Projects Announced
August 28, 2023 —
Special funding opportunity targeted short-term projects that address immediate needs related to UM’s strategic mission.

Apply for a $10,000 grant to create, adapt and adopt OER
August 18, 2023 —
Apply for a $10,000 grant to create, adapt and adopt OER

New funding announced for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) development
August 18, 2023 —
The new SoTL Development Fund was created for those who are new to SoTL to provide opportunities to develop research skills in pedagogy and learning, and to engage with the SoTL community at UM and across Canada.

Faculty of Education
Meet Dr. Jan Stewart, new dean of the Faculty of Education
August 10, 2023 —
On August 1, 2023 Dr. Jan Stewart began her appointment as the new dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Stewart will also hold a position as tenured Professor in the Department of Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology.

Get to know the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dr. Kelley Main
August 8, 2023 —
Dr. Kelley Main was recently appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2028. Learn more about what inspired Dr. Main as a student and what she enjoys outside of academia.

UM to expand health education, build new training space on Bannatyne campus
August 2, 2023 —
The University of Manitoba will lead a transformational change to health education in Manitoba, with support from donors and the provincial government.

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Childminding Program launched by UM Family Resources
July 31, 2023 —
Family Resources now offers a childminding service, which enables a faculty or unit hosting an event on campus to offer childcare for event participants.

Leadership announcement July 2023
July 4, 2023 —
The University of Manitoba is pleased to announce the extension of Dr. Martin Scanlon, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, and the appointment of Dr. Robert Hoppa, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Arts.

Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Special committee considers recommendations on the redesigned budget model
July 4, 2023 —
The budget model and budget process review steering committee has reviewed the recommendations that emerged from a comprehensive consultation process on the redesigned budget model.