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Office of Sustainability News Archive


Buy nothing, or buy local

November 24, 2020 — 
Our planet’s natural resources are being exhausted to meet the demand of over-consumptive societies, rather than being conserved to sustain future generations and ourselves.

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The Sustainability Strategy 2016 - 2018 highlights research into organic waste management solutions and reducing our waste output to landfill as priority actions


New Waste Reduction and Management Plan in development

November 2, 2020 — 
The University of Manitoba is committed to operating an efficient campus that is continually working to be more sustainable. As part of the Sustainability Strategy 2019-2023, the Office of Sustainability is developing a Waste Reduction & Management Plan (WRMP), which will help UM work toward a zero-waste system. UM community invited to participate in waste reduction and management survey.

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Take part in Plastic-Free July

July 2, 2020 — 
Are you ready to join the "Choose to refuse" single-use plastic challenge for the entire month of July?

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Bike lanes on a street near Bannatyne campus


Highlighting campus transportation

June 22, 2020 — 
Data and feedback from the 2020 survey responses continue to inform recommendations to better support UM students, staff and faculty.

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The Apollo 16 crew captured this Earthrise. Apollo 16 launched on April 16, 1972 and landed on the moon on April 20. / Photo: NASA

UM co-signs investment charter and joins forces to address climate change

June 18, 2020 — 
UM has pledged to follow the United Nations’ Principles in Responsible Investing framework

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Join the Commuter Challenge 2020

May 27, 2020 — 
It’s time to start logging your sustainable commute again – the annual Commuter Challenge will take place from May 31 to June 6 but with a little bit of a work from home twist!

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Study online, remotely from the comfort and safety of your own home.


UM Sustainability Champions – Celebrating our Sustainability Award Winners

May 13, 2020 — 
During this time of reflection on the year, we’d like to highlight the efforts of some fabulous UM students, staff and faculty in contributing to the betterment of our campus and community! The following winners of the 2020 Sustainability Awards were selected by a committee and received their awards at UM Sustainability Night on March 5.

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How to Compost from Home

May 7, 2020 — 
It’s National Compost Week! While we’re spending more time at home, it’s a good time to try backyard composting!

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Next to UMSU University Centre, looking east towards UM Admin building on Fort Garry campus.


Jane’s Walk: A digital walk around U of M campuses

May 1, 2020 — 
Join us for the Restorative Spaces and Art & History walks as part of the Jane’s Walk celebrations on May 2 and May 3 at the Fort Garry and Bannatyne campuses

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UM Students Contributing to a More Sustainable Future – Volunteer Week

April 24, 2020 — 
In celebration of National Volunteer Week (April 19-25, 2020), we recognize some of the undergraduate and graduate students who not only have displayed their commitment to sustainability but have also made an impact on campus, in their city and within their communities.

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