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Office of Sustainability News Archive

White plastic bag floating in blue sky.


Bring your own bag to UM Bookstore

January 17, 2022 — 
The next time you visit UM Bookstore on Fort Garry campus, don’t forget to bring your own reusable bag or backpack to carry your purchases home.

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October is GoTober

October 21, 2021 — 
October is GoTober at GoManitoba, and this year we invite the UM community to try something new and take the pledge to convert Just One Trip each week to a more sustainable mode, like carpooling, transit, biking or walking.

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Play The World’s Future: A Sustainable Development Goals Game

October 15, 2021 — 
The University of Manitoba community is invited to register to play The World’s Future: A Sustainable Development Goals game, a unique social simulation game developed by the Centre for Systems Solutions.

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New sustainability course launches on UM Learn

October 5, 2021 — 
Just in time for Sustainability Month, the Office of Sustainability has released a short course on UM Learn available to all community members

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Get ready, get set for Sustainability Month at UM

September 28, 2021 — 
Celebrate a sustainable future by participating in a variety of virtual green events and activities throughout the month of October

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UM ReShop moving online

September 20, 2021 — 
Through the ReShop Online, UM can continue to reduce its waste and serve our community in a sustainable way

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Max Bell Centre

Canada and Manitoba support green infrastructure and upgrades to UM and other communities

July 23, 2021 — 
This project will upgrade University of Manitoba’s Central Energy Plant and the Max Bell Centre building on its Fort Garry Campus

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Join in Plastic Free July

July 6, 2021 — 
Join the global movement and be part of the solution to plastic pollution. Making small changes to everyday habits makes a huge difference—on a local and global level.

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Commutes look different this year – and so will the Commuter Challenge

May 20, 2021 — 
The annual Commuter Challenge will take place from May 30 to June 5 – and this year, it’s expanding!

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Person cycles towards Fort Garry campus on a pathway through Southwood lands.


Steering around the potholes of spring cycling

May 17, 2021 — 
Follow a few tips from the Office of Sustainability and UMCycle to help find your route, arrive safely and secure your bicycle

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