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faculty of architecture News Archive

Faculty of Science

Solar cell pioneer speaks on alternative energy sources

April 9, 2018 — 
World-renowned electrochemist Michael Grätzel's upcoming lecture, entitled “Energy Beyond Oil,” will review recent progress in the area of exploitation of solar energy converters

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Faculty of Science

Volunteer for Science Rendezvous!

March 22, 2018 — 
Consider volunteering for Science Rendezvous, the largest celebration of science and engineering in Canada!

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The 3MT final competition is March 21 at 7 p.m. in the Robert B. Schultz Theatre. Matthew Cook, a master’s student in psychology, is one of 13 graduate students who will be presenting their research at the event.

Finalists ready to put spotlight on innovative research at 3MT finale

March 14, 2018 — 
Thirteen graduate students were chosen from a field of 36 and they're getting set for the March 21 finals

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Inside the Lockhart Planetarium

University of Manitoba Community Events – March 2018

February 28, 2018 — 
Take in a variety of events this March on campus and in the community!

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Sustainability Night


Sustainability Night: Exploring Passion for the Environment

February 26, 2018 — 
Come join us for Sustainability Night March 8, connect with other sustainability focused people. Enjoy an evening of sharing sustainability ideas and stories about creating positive impacts on our environment that benefit our planet and ourselves. Cap off the night meeting and sharing ideas with other sustainability conscious community members during the networking wine and cheese. Purchase your ticket today!

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Not an Olympic sport yet, but Ditchball returns to campus today

February 16, 2018 — 
Teams of architecture students are braving the cold to play against each other in a friendly game of Ditchball outside of the Architecture 2 building.

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Faculty of Architecture

Local architectural intern wins Indigenous housing award

February 14, 2018 — 
Evan Taylor,(B.E.D.) wins 2nd prize in the Architects Without Borders Indigenous Housing Competition

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U of M President David Barnard with Rachel Nickel, winner of the 2017 3MT competition.

Faculty of Graduate Studies

3MT – Broaden your knowledge in the time it takes to brew a cup of tea

February 13, 2018 — 
Presentations range from polar bears to hoarders to antimicrobial resistance and more

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Faculty of Architecture

Fabricating Atmosphere

February 12, 2018 — 
Fabricating Atmosphere: a symposium that brings together researchers and designers from across the region and around the world for scholarly exchange

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Winnipeg transit map

Opportunities for Winnipeg

January 23, 2018 — 
Former Chief Planner of the City of Toronto will deliver her free, public lecture to discuss how Winnipeg can adapt already built areas to accommodate changes like rapid transit


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