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COVID-19 News Archive

UM staff at the Awards of Excellence celebration.

Human Resources

Recognize outstanding COVID-19 response by nominating support staff for the 2021 Awards of Excellence

April 5, 2021 — 
Support staff employees to be honoured with these awards will demonstrated extraordinary efforts to maintain critical operations, to assist faculty and students in transitioning to online classes, to support critical research or facilitate the shut-down and restart of research activities, and to ensure the safety and well-being of others—all accomplished with emphasis on effectively supporting the academic mission of UM during the pandemic.

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Early evidence suggests that younger people are at the highest risk of poor mental health outcomes from the COVID-19 pandemic. // Canva

COVID-19’s parallel pandemic: Why we need a mental health ‘vaccine’

March 23, 2021 — 
The pandemic’s impact on mental health throughout our society will likely outlive COVID-19

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Alumna Helen Clark

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Emergency Liaison

March 23, 2021 — 
In January 2020, Helen Clark  was about to travel to New York as part of an international initiative to improve Winnipeg’s 911 system when she heard about a virus in China that would dominate her work for the year ahead.

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Now you can recycle masks and other personal protective equipment

March 23, 2021 — 
New PPD recycling bins to discard disposable masks and other disposable PPE items that cannot or should not be worn anymore

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Dr. Deanna Santer, wearing a white lab coat and a surgical mask, sits in front of a microscope.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

UM immunologist applies interferon expertise to COVID-19

March 22, 2021 — 
New UM faculty member Dr. Deanna Santer is analyzing blood from COVID-19 patients who were treated with synthetic interferon lambda in a Toronto clinical trial.

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Fort Garry campus.

President Benarroch’s update on Fall Term

March 17, 2021 — 
Fall Term 2021 will include more in-person instruction

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A blue background with candles lit in memorial for COVID-19 anniversary.

UM Together: Reflecting on a year of COVID-19

March 17, 2021 — 
On Tuesday, March 23, the university community is invited to come together virtually

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A woman in a yellow shirt and a blue and orange head scarf works on a laptop in her lap.


$30 million distributed to support UM students during 2019-20 academic year

March 16, 2021 — 
Financial Aid a key part of responding to the needs of students during the pandemic

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Next to UMSU University Centre, looking east towards UM Admin building on Fort Garry campus.

Marking one year since the WHO declared a global pandemic

March 11, 2021 — 
President’s message to faculty and staff on anniversary of remote operations

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Students in masks on UM's Fort Garry campus.


What a year we’ve had

March 11, 2021 — 
President’s message to students on one-year anniversary of COVID recovery operations

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Emergency: 204-474-9341