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Centre on Aging News Archive

U of M students are invited to take part in learning about potential career opportunities in aging.

Learn about potential career opportunities in aging

March 31, 2017 — 
The Centre on Aging will be hosting Careers in Aging Week April 3–7, 2017


Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

U of M team brings local aspect to international research network

March 28, 2017 — 
A research team led by Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management professor Dr Michelle Porter has been awarded a research grant to help communities become healthier and more age-friendly.

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(L-R) The Visionary Conversations panel Yutta Fricke, Richard Milgrom, Michelle Porter and Tanis Woodland on Dec. 8, 2016. Photo by Mike Latschislaw.

Visionary Conversations conveys insight into accessibility

December 12, 2016 — 
The dialogue included discussion of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act, which aims to identify, prevent and eliminate barriers for people, in order to make Manitoba an inclusive society

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Michelle Porter at Visionary Conversations on Dec. 8, 2016.

Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

FKRM’s Professor Porter discusses ageism at Visionary Conversations

December 9, 2016 — 
Dr Michelle Porter, a FKRM professor and director of the university's Centre on Aging, was a panelist at Thursday, Dec. 8's Visionary Conversations entitled What does an accessible Manitoba look like?

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Free Press: Stealth health

May 16, 2016 — 
Corey Mackenzie, professor and director of the Aging and Mental Health Laboratory at the University of Manitoba’s Centre on Aging interviewed

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Summer campus-pedway

U of M becomes Canada’s first age-friendly university

May 2, 2016 — 
U of M has joined the international Age-Friendly University Network

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Alex Mihailidis is an international research expert on technology and aging.

Knight Distinguished Visitors Program features internationally-respected researcher on technology and aging

April 28, 2016 — 
The Robert and Elizabeth Knight Distinguished Visitors Program welcomes Alex Mihailidis on May 2 and 3

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Research and International

Canadian study on aging gets funding boost

March 9, 2015 — 
U of M aging study receives funding boost



Research and International

Centre on Aging awards/fellowships available

March 18, 2014 — 
Centre on Aging has several funding opportunities to encourage further studies in aging and gerontology

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