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Information Services and Technology News Archive

Information Services and Technology News

Feel confident using your electronic classroom this Winter

October 31, 2022 — 
Want to take the stress out of the first day of teaching and feel confident using your electronic classroom? We can help!

Information Services and Technology News

You got phished. Now what?

October 23, 2022 — 
If you receive what you suspect to be a phishing email, don’t panic. Avoid clicking on any links or attachment, and do not reply to the message or forward it to anyone. Instead, you can report the email to spam [at] umanitoba [dot] ca. 

Information Services and Technology News

Can you smell a phish?

October 14, 2022 — 
Cyber Security Awareness Month is an important time to reflect, as individuals and as an organization, on how we can protect ourselves and our loved ones online. Phishing is one of the most common cyber threats affecting Canadians. That’s why we want to help our university community learn more about phishing and how to protect ourselves and the people in our lives. 


Information Services and Technology News

#UMcybersecurityawareness Month Scavenger Hunt starts now!

October 7, 2022 — 
Use your computer or mobile device to find the hashtag and answer short quizzes to be eligible to win some great tech prizes. The hunt will run for three weeks from October 11 to October 31.

Information Services and Technology News

It’s Cyber Security Awareness Month!

October 3, 2022 — 
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month (Cyber Month) in Canada, and the University of Manitoba is proud to be Get Cyber Safe champions working to help Canadians stay safe online. Cyber Month is an important time to reflect, as individuals and as an organization, on how we can protect ourselves and our loved ones online.

Information Services and Technology News

What are the Wi-Fi options for students, staff, faculty, and guests?

September 28, 2022 — 
Did you know that the university has three Wi-Fi options for our campus community?

Information Services and Technology News

New in Microsoft 365

September 6, 2022 — 
Staying up to date with new features in Microsoft 365 can be a challenge. There are several ways to learn about new features and changes in M365.

Information Services and Technology News

What to do when you receive an unexpected Duo authentication request

August 26, 2022 — 
Never approve an authentication request from Duo if you have not been attempting to log in to a UM service or resource. Authentication requests are sent by Duo Push notification, text message or phone call when you attempt to log in to a university service.

Information Services and Technology News

Take the stress out of the first day of teaching and feel confident using your electronic classroom

August 8, 2022 — 
Take the stress out of the first day of teaching and feel confident using your electronic classroom

Information Services and Technology News

Three types of phishing scams everyone needs to know

July 11, 2022 — 
A phishing email uses a sense of urgency to direct the victim to visit a website designed to steal the victim's account credentials. Some phishing attacks are very straight forward, for example, "Update your password now!!!" can easily be detected because they typically are not written well (poor grammar and word choice). However, some attacks are sophisticated, look like they come from a trusted contact, are well written, and lead to a site that closely resembles the spoofed website.

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