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Human Resources News Archive

Human Resources News

Awards of Excellence celebrates university staff

June 27, 2017 — 
The afternoon reception was hosted by President and Vice-Chancellor David Barnard, with over 70 university staff receiving awards.

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Human Resources News

Support Staff Learning Exchange program now accepting applications

June 19, 2017 — 
Support Staff Learning Exchange program now accepting applications, due June 30


Active Living Centre - Photo by Jerry Grajewski

Human Resources News

Achieving workplace balance

June 19, 2017 — 
Live Well @Work celebrates faculty and staff health and wellness – this is one perspective from U of M staff member Rhiannon Leier Blacher

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Human Resources News

U of M celebrates life-long learning

June 16, 2017 — 
Fifty staff complete U of M professional development programs

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Dr. Todd Mondor

Dr. Todd A. Mondor appointed Vice-Provost (Graduate Education) and Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies

June 15, 2017 — 
The University of Manitoba congratulates Dr. Mondor on his accomplishments and thanks him for his continued dedication to his students and this university.

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Emergency broadcast testing on June 22

June 12, 2017 — 
At 12 noon on June 22, there will will be a test of the Emergency Broadcast Towers on the Fort Garry campus

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Human Resources News

U of M-UMFA Anomalies Committee announces fund

June 1, 2017 — 
The Joint University/UMFA Anomalies Committee will consider applications to correct anomalies in base salaries of UMFA Members.

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Campus Beautification Day June 2, 2017.

Building campus community, one flower at a time

May 30, 2017 — 
Campus Beautification Day builds upon the campus community for those who work and study on campus and emphasizes and enhances the university’s place in the larger community as well

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Human Resources News

Highest numbers for nominees and voter turnout in pension election

May 30, 2017 — 
This year’s election for the U of M Pension Plan Committee (1993) had the highest number of nominees, with 12 candidates. The voter turnout was also at its highest, with 1,684 voters or 36 per cent of the electorate.

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Human Resources News

Live Well @Work celebrates faculty and staff health and wellness

May 30, 2017 — 
All faculty and staff are invited to participate in Live Well @Work at Fort Garry and Bannatyne campus, June 19 to 23

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